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proper way to install Skimmer and FRs


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my new tank is cycling now, just wondering which is the correct way to place the skimmer and FRs (bio-pellets and rowas)?

my sump design is as such:

water in from DT into bacteria king and overflows into the skimmer compartment.

should I place skimmer 1st and direct output to FRs?


FR 1st and direct outputs to skimmer?

Also does it matter which FR 1st? example rowas 1st or biopellets 1st.



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For me bio pellet first before rowa and then skimmer. As bio pellet need some food from water to maintain the health of those bacteria.. if all skimmer liao then bio.. less food for them. And are you connecting all with single pump or multiple pump? Just my personal input

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For me bio pellet output to skimmer,rowa output last
+1 Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2

Tank Size: 42” x 18” x 12/18” (4 side and centre use Crystal Clear Glass)
Sump: 36” x 15” x 15/20”
Return Pump: Reef Octopus Diablo DC 10000
Skimz SM 201
Wavemaker: 2 X VorTech MP10ES Propeller Pump
Chemical Filtration: 2 X H2 Ocean FMR75 Fluidised Reactor(Rowa & Chemi Pure Elite), Enductor Fluidized Reactor- FR30 (biopellets) with
Tesino GP-231 Amphibious Pump
Bio Media: Bacteria King - 10 Litres
Chiller: JBJ Arctica Titanium Aquarium Chiller (1/4 Hp - DBE-200)
Lighting: ATI Sunpower 6 x 39 Watt T5

(Blue+ Blue+ Purple+ Coral+ Actinic Blue+) (9hrs)

Auto TopUp system: JBJ ATO

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For me bio pellet first before rowa and then skimmer. As bio pellet need some food from water to maintain the health of those bacteria.. if all skimmer liao then bio.. less food for them. And are you connecting all with single pump or multiple pump? Just my personal input

I have one pump for skimmer and tapping from return pump to both FR


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