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New reefer to be

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Hi Guys,

I have been reading up the pass few weeks on saltwater aquariums and i am amazed at the body of knowledge this hobby has to offer. I decided to make a move tomorrow by purchasing basic equipments and to begin the cycling process. I understand there are many shops around but can anyone advise which shop would be more suitable for a starter like me?

I live in Toa Payoh Estate but i would travel as far as i need to find a good shop that has good reputation and are patient for new comers.


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  • SRC Member

You should list out the list of equipments that you are planning to buy tomorrow so that bros here can advise u better.. As different shops carry different brands of equipments and of course pricing Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2

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I am looking at purchasing

1) 3ft acrylic aquarium

2) Lightings (Reef System)

3) Light timers

4) Salt Mixes

5) Live rocks (cured)

6) Protein Skimmer

7) Sump with Refugium

8) Power heads

9) Themometer , Hydrometer and test kits for various elements

10) RO/DI filter

anyuone know of a good shop that can provide all these?

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  • SRC Member

IMO, acrylic although clarity is good, scratches too easily.. i suggest you can custom make crystal glass panels if you want clearer display..

as for other stuff like lightings, skimmer, powerhead, salt and etc.. i suggest you decided on what kind of stuff you want to keep... simple FOWLR, easy corals or aiming to keep SPS in the future.. all their requirements are different..

Just my 0.2cent worth.. im also a new reefer like you!

Anyway, i haven't been to any farm that sells lots of equipments but for LFS wise.. i think madpetz has the best service and knowledge.. they will be able to guide you through and they should have most of the equipments you need.

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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