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aqua illumination vega (colour) help


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  • SRC Member


just got the aqua illumination vega (colour) set. currently using 100% on all colour except green at 95% and 5% on blue, royal and dark blue for night light. (followed this setting from henry of ML).

wondering if anyone has any idea on what setting would be good for a mixed reef. tank size is 2ft by 1ft by 1ft.

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Mu current setting in manual mode is 95% DB, 95% RB, 90% B, 60% CW, 65% for both DR and green. Ramp up and down is average 3hours since each color is set to ramp up and down within a few mins from each other. Height is 8inches from the water surface. If you have sps or just switched from t5 to led, i suggest to use the coral acclimation function and set it for 2 months to avoid bleaching. Im an early adaptor of the vega so ive had them since they first came out in the us. So far so good for me. Good luck.

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  • SRC Member

Hi thanks bro and also the folks at reef depot for dropping me a pm.

Trying out the 14kk look they recommanded.

Height is 8inches from the water surface.

ehh sorry bro dont mind if i ask coz i read in the manual say 4 inches from water.

my tank depth is only 1 feet deep. currently i also hanging 8 inches. would that be good enough for a mix tank in the future?

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hi bro,

for a 1 foot deep tank i don't see any issue having the vega at 8" height. my tank is 20" deep with the vega 8" AWL with no problems. some users even set it higher than 8".

are you now running the latest firmware?

Hi thanks bro and also the folks at reef depot for dropping me a pm.

Trying out the 14kk look they recommanded.

ehh sorry bro dont mind if i ask coz i read in the manual say 4 inches from water.

my tank depth is only 1 feet deep. currently i also hanging 8 inches. would that be good enough for a mix tank in the future?

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  • SRC Member

hi bro,

for a 1 foot deep tank i don't see any issue having the vega at 8" height. my tank is 20" deep with the vega 8" AWL with no problems. some users even set it higher than 8".

are you now running the latest firmware?

Hi yup. just updated.

Also just enabled the weather effect. 2 x per day 60% chance.

lightning effect kinda cool but i decided not to have it in the end but did make a video of it with some thunderstorm in background hehe. first lightning comes in only after 30 sec before that is only the light change =x

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the weather effect is a cool feature specially the storm but i seldom activate it coz it messes up the moon cycle of my Tunze wave maker. I do not use the vegas for moonlight as i find them too strong and my fishes have gotten really used to the tunze moon light already. btw, did you notice that the new firmware is now ready for the upgrade pucks even though the new pucks are not yet available? i wonder when are they going to be available? i know from Ai website that the vega upgrade for sol is now available for pre-order so the new pucks might be following soon as well as the director.

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Hehe not really.. Overseas now so limited time to play with led since I got it :x

I also am thinking of getting the tunze ... Prolly next mth look like I can ask u for advice again lol

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