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Healthy zoas suddenly withers


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  • SRC Member

Hi bros,

i have a small colonies of pink zoas which started with 4 polyps and grow to 15 polyps. But suddenly the colonies just die off slowly. There are other colonies of zoas which are doing fine. And I have checked no zoas pests and no aggressive coral near it. Wonder what causes this. Any view?

Thank you.


Aquarium: 48" x 18" x 24" tank with 24" x 15" x 15" sump (approx. 150 gallons)
Equipment: Maxspect Razor 320W, Vortech MP40, Vertex Omega 180i, Eheim 1262 return pump, Hailea HS 66A, Bacteria King
Fish and coral food: Henry's Reefgourmet pellets, Preis coral energizer, Kent Marine PhytoPlex, Brightwell Reef Snow, Two-Little Fishies Marine Snow
Dosage: Triton Elements


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  • SRC Member

i also have a 3 polyp eagle eye that sometimes open half way, sometimes closed and sometimes opening nicely.. seems like it depends on its mood..

anyway how long did it take for u to grow that zoa from 4 to 15 polyps?

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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  • SRC Member

i wonder do lighting play a part? since we place our zoa on different level and depth of the tank.. i noticed my 3 polyp eagle eye when i place on sand bed, its totally closed.. after a few days i shifted to my frag station which is much higher and all 3 opened up fully for a few days.. right now only 1 open halfway..all my other zoas are opening up and growing baby zoas. strange...

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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  • SRC Member

My Zoas also having prob.. only fully open in one side.. the rest are 1/2 open too. Had change varies locations, but its still the same.. any Shi fu able to help?

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  • SRC Member

If the body appearing with white spot. What are they? Any advise?

you can google Zoa pox, which are white lesions on zoanthids and palythoas. They start small on the stalks, generally towards the base, and gradually work their way towards the head of the zoa or paly. The zoa or paly will then close up due to irritation, and will eventually recede and die as the ZoaPox covers the entire head.

there are a couple of method to cure them, works fine,but have to take action early. it can be spread to others in your tank.

My zoa come out black liquid from the opening? Poison gas?

keep monitoring it as it can be normal if still looks fat fat, but it may melt off from then.

i wonder do lighting play a part? since we place our zoa on different level and depth of the tank.. i noticed my 3 polyp eagle eye when i place on sand bed, its totally closed.. after a few days i shifted to my frag station which is much higher and all 3 opened up fully for a few days.. right now only 1 open halfway..all my other zoas are opening up and growing baby zoas. strange...

my own experience, lighting can help but not the cause.

i got many frags on sand base.

but system different can be various cases

:superman: :superman: :superman: :superman: :superman: :superman: :superman:

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  • SRC Member

I have attached a photo of the pink zoa problem I mentioned.

Previously all 15 polyps are opened big and strong...

now...can see some of the polyps withers off and some of the open polyps are smaller...

I dont see zoa pox...i.e. no white spots



Aquarium: 48" x 18" x 24" tank with 24" x 15" x 15" sump (approx. 150 gallons)
Equipment: Maxspect Razor 320W, Vortech MP40, Vertex Omega 180i, Eheim 1262 return pump, Hailea HS 66A, Bacteria King
Fish and coral food: Henry's Reefgourmet pellets, Preis coral energizer, Kent Marine PhytoPlex, Brightwell Reef Snow, Two-Little Fishies Marine Snow
Dosage: Triton Elements


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If zoa pox, I used Furan 2 and it is effective. But I have to follow the medication routine from zoaid.com for a couple of days. Mine was infected badly by zoa pox as I did not know about zoa pox until I smell trouble and did some research. My zoas recover very well from zoa pox after the treatment.

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