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ID Disease

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Hi Fish expert,

Anyone can help me id this disease?

This flame do not scratch on the hard surface.

The fish is lethargic and its gill is infected show some white ulcer and there is swelling on its mouth.

This fish is 2 week now and when it first came, he was eating well.

Now he show interest in food but only eat very very little.

I have been giving him fresh water dip every 2 days and put it in a anti-bacterial ( yellow powder form of solution for one day)

tail and fin show some fine spots.

could it be flukes? or marine ich? or others?

I just started dosing prazi yesterday.

This morning, i also realise his tummy seem bloated.

So i am really not sure what medication to go for this little fellow.

Anyone can help?

Thank you


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Looks like multi-diseases. Not sure which is the best medicine to use as some medicine can not mix. Make sure the water quality is tip-top condition first before any treatment and through the treatment..

Please share your experience on the medicine you have used and the treactment you have done.


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