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WEEKLY SHIPMENT UPDATES - 25 Feb 2013 to 03 March 2013

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Searching for yasha goby with pistol shrimp pair. Pls let me know if spotted. Tks!

try contacting Ah Bac at LCk. He has very stable pellets feeding Yasha for sales. As for the pistol, you can always try CF.....

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Caribbean Shipment landed at the fish channel

Fishes as follows:

Holacanthus ciliaris (Queen angelfish) 4cm to 18cm

Holacanthus tricolor(Rock Beauty angelfish) 4cm to 10cm

Pomacanthus arcuatus (Grey angel) 18cm

Centropyge argi (Argi angelfish) 3-4cm

Acanthurus coeruleus (Atlantic blue tang) 5-7cm

Acanthurus bahianus(Ocean surgeon) 5-7cm

Bodianus pulchellus(Cuban hogfish)12cm to 15cm

Bodianus rufus (Spanish hogfish) 6cm to 10cm

Thalassoma bifasciatum (Bluehead wrasses) 8cm to 10cm

Scarus taeniopterus (Caribbean princess parrot fish) 10cm - 12cm

Gramma loreto (Royal gramma) 4cm - 5cm

Gramma melacara(Black cap basslet) 5cm to 6cm

Hypoplectus unicolor (Butter hamlet fish) 7cm to 10cm

Hypsypops rubicunda(Garibaldi damselfish) 20cm - 22cm

Chromis cyaneus ( Blue chromis) 3cm to 4cm

Apogon maculatus ( Flame cardinal fish) 4cm to 6cm

Equetus acuminatus (High hat drum fish)10cm

They also came in some rare Red and yellow caribbean gorgonian (Diodogorgia nodulifera)

Existing fishes are pellet feeding yellow belly regal Angels, emperor angels, blue lip angels, Koran angels and large hifin snapper

Still have lots of African blue ice zoas


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Looking for super sun coral anyone see it for sale anywhere?

Tried iwarna? They got a few frags the kast time I was there. Its in the display tank on the right if u face the cashier

Fresh fishes and inverts! What's next? To the salty side of marine of course!:)

"Never to part, lest jealous heaven stole our hearts"

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Looking for super sun coral anyone see it for sale anywhere?
Iwarna left with 5 frags of super sun corals
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Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Iwarna @ 12:30: Lots of baby blue tangs 1inch, lots of juv 2inch YT, brown tangs, powder browns, purple and fire gobies, tile fish, madarin gobies, juv emperor angel, strawberry crab, various pipefish, black white butterfly, yellow angel, moorish idols.... Plate corals, supersun, lots of elegance, bubble coral, hammer purple/green, true octo purple, long tentacle plate, brain coral, BTA...

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Tomorrow 8pm at Iwarna.

Sacura margaritacea

Zalanthias azumanus

Muraena pardalis

Monocentris japonica

Omobranchus elegans

Asterina pectinifera

Pseudolabrus japonicus

Hypodytes rubripinnis

Centropyge interruptus (sold)

Always something more important than fish.


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Tomorrow 8pm at Iwarna.

Sacura margaritacea

Zalanthias azumanus

Muraena pardalis

Monocentris japonica

Omobranchus elegans

Asterina pectinifera

Pseudolabrus japonicus

Hypodytes rubripinnis

Centropyge interruptus (sold)Si

Silly question. Is Iwarna opened at 8pm for sale of fish or are they just receiving shipment for quarantine?

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Tomorrow 8pm at Iwarna.

Sacura margaritacea

Zalanthias azumanus

Muraena pardalis

Monocentris japonica

Omobranchus elegans

Asterina pectinifera

Pseudolabrus japonicus

Hypodytes rubripinnis

Centropyge interruptus (sold)

Common names?
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Silly question. Is Iwarna opened at 8pm for sale of fish or are they just receiving shipment for quarantine?

Open for sale,

I rem going down for 3am shipment of walt smith SPS thinking I would be the only one, lol

I saw almost 20 others waiting for the shipment to arrive and grab them :)

happy days

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Lck still have one jumbo size french angel, 2 jumbo cortez angel, flame angel, royal grama, black cap, yellow tang and neon goby ect..

Cf have few micartus butterfly, blue face angel, regal angel, percula clown ect...

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

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Tomorrow 8pm at Iwarna. Sacura margaritacea - cherry anthias Zalanthias azumanus - anthias kelloggi Muraena pardalis - Japan dragon moray eel Monocentris japonica - Japan pinecone fish Omobranchus elegans - combtooth blennies Asterina pectinifera - starfish Pseudolabrus japonicushias Hypodytes rubripinnis - red rooster Pygmy waspfish Centropyge interruptus (sold)
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Iwarna left with 5 frags of super sun corals

Thanks going there late morning tomorrow at ard 10:30am to 11am don't know open yet.

Heard Henry have shipment tonight. Any update on what are in this shipment?

Hear from Henry it was cancelled.

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Any body knows which LFS sell those magnifying glass that can attached to aquarium

If you are looking for D D Nano Scope, you can try Reef Depot.

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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Common name and some info..

Sacura margaritacea - Sakura Anthias

Zalanthias azumanus - Should be Zalanthias kelloggi azumanus, if not wrong is a sub species of kelloggi

Muraena pardalis - Japanese Dragon Eel

Monocentris japonica - Japanese Pinecone Fish

Omobranchus elegans - Elegant Blenny

Asterina pectinifera - Bat Starfish, very interesting colored and shaped starfish

Pseudolabrus japonicus - A species of Scarlet Wrasse

Hypodytes rubripinnis - Red Finned Pygmy Waspfish(only from japan)

Centropyge interruptus (sold)

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