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WTS: Big skimmers for sale/trade


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Deltec APF851 - $220.

2 yr old. Working condition but dirty.

Super Reef Octopus 5000int with bubble blaster 5000S pump. - $220

2 yr old. Working condition but dirty.

Will clean it up for an extra $10 to buy vinegar!

Collection in East. Can view and test first!

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Sold an exact reef octopus to nickel a few days back but was 4 years old. And dirty too

300G Main Display - 7 x 3 x 3, 60G Sump

4 x Tunze 6105 + 7095 controller, 2 x Eden 5000 l/hr main return

1HP Reefcool Compressor

4 x Reeflux 250W 12K MH with dimmable ballast + ATI T5 blue actinic

Super Reef Octopus 5000 skimmer, Skimz PO4 Reactor, 36W UV sterilizer

Bubble Magus 7 Channel Dosing Pump

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