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No offence but water changing is the most basic thing in this hobby.. IMO I dun see how any system no matter how good the equipments are no matter how mature the tank is, can thrive for long without WC

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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No time to change water?? seriously, u can decomm anytime cos u seems not prepared having this hobby. Don waste life away. Quite shock/disappointed to see such lazy remarks.

my fish r all doin very fine ... just tat my fish nw is sick till to ich... but they r still living and eating after soooooo many days....

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No offence but water changing is the most basic thing in this hobby.. IMO I dun see how any system no matter how good the equipments are no matter how mature the tank is, can thrive for long without WC

no worry :D but for wat i have knw my fish still alive without any dead for more then 1 month... if u control the food i don think changing water help... and i also have mandarin inside also very happy and go lucky :D so i don think changing water will help on anything every through u have alot of power full eq... there is some friends inside know tat i keep more then 20 fishs and some coral but so far everything is ok but only sick till to ich only.. i have hear alot of ppl telling me tat there r fish hv passaway even through they change water.. but can i knw y so many ppl changing water but still the fish dead? if anyone can answer me this question i really don mind to change 20% of water everyday.. sry guys no offence.. just tat this is my point to view... just to let u guys knw tat i also never cycle my tank also.. but so far i don have any problem with my coral and fish (through they sick till to my tang) .. so if anyone kind enough to tell me ...

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You can challenge the norm but just be prepared for any mishap. Your fishes can still be alive now but your tank can crash in instance. So just be prepared to accept this. When this happen, either you keep quiet or post to get bombed. Yes, there are reefers who don't change water for months to nearly a year before they decommed and nothing happened.

Tank : 4 X 2 X 2 with low iron front panel and external overflow

Skimmer : BK SM200 with waste collector

Return Pumps : Red Dragon 6m3 and Ehiem 1262

FR : 2 X Deltec 509 & powered by AB2000

Nitrate Filter : Deltec NF 509 and tee off from AB2000

Calcium R'tor : Deltec PF 501 with RM secondary chamber

Kalkwasser R'tor : Deltec KM500

Chiller : Pansonic 1 HP Compressor with 20m titanium Coil

Wave Makers : 4 X Tunze 6055 with 7096 & Vortec MP40w

Controller : GHL Profilux

Lighting : ATI Powermodule 10 or 8 tubes

Water Top-up : Water Top-Up tank powered by Tunze Osmolator

External Monitor : American Pinpoint pH and Temp. Monitor for main tank and GHL Profilux Controller to measure temp, pH, Redox

Ozonizer : Sander C50

UV : Corallife 6x

Algae Scrubbler

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Yes what solo77 said is very true, for reefing, there is always a reason why so many reefer are doing the same thing. They are the basic husbandry for reefing. There are always a few odd one out there which want to challenge the norm and try to be different, most of the time result is not good and they don't post thing like I tried this and I crash my tank because they will be flame by the rest, so they keep quiet but it doesn't mean nothing happed. Hence if you are serious about this hobby, follow the basic husbandry and you will enjoy the hobby more in the long run. Cheer. :cheers:

5x2.5x1.5ft Rimless Dream Tank (06/03/12)
Skimmer - Reefoctupus

Return Pump - 1 x Eheim 1264, 1 x water blaster 7k
Wavemaker - 2 x mp40es
Chiller - Daikin compressor with coil drop in
Lighting - 4 x 80w T5 Pair 1(6hrs23/12/12),Pair 2(16/06/12312hrs 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (1/3/12) -(15/11/12)6hrs and 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (13/10/12) -6hrs)
Reactor - Dosing pump (01/01/11)

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  • SRC Member

no worry :D but for wat i have knw my fish still alive without any dead for more then 1 month... if u control the food i don think changing water help... and i also have mandarin inside also very happy and go lucky :D so i don think changing water will help on anything every through u have alot of power full eq... there is some friends inside know tat i keep more then 20 fishs and some coral but so far everything is ok but only sick till to ich only.. i have hear alot of ppl telling me tat there r fish hv passaway even through they change water.. but can i knw y so many ppl changing water but still the fish dead? if anyone can answer me this question i really don mind to change 20% of water everyday.. sry guys no offence.. just tat this is my point to view... just to let u guys knw tat i also never cycle my tank also.. but so far i don have any problem with my coral and fish (through they sick till to my tang) .. so if anyone kind enough to tell me ...

don have problem than y ur fishes are sick then? yes, water changes might not help the fishes that are aldy seriously sick. But pls give those inhabitants that r still living a fresh living environment and replenish with required trace element. Coral will seems fine now, but it wont hold for long without replenish of trace element. If u accept others opinion and do it the way u wanted, then y still post in forum and seeking opinion and yet argue with others advices? Imagine u in a car, with all windows closed, ur buddies or whoever started to smoke non stop, will u suffocate and died slowly due to lack of oxygen and the toxic from the cig. that keep entering ur lungs by inhaling?

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  • SRC Member

no worry :D but for wat i have knw my fish still alive without any dead for more then 1 month... if u control the food i don think changing water help... and i also have mandarin inside also very happy and go lucky :D so i don think changing water will help on anything every through u have alot of power full eq... there is some friends inside know tat i keep more then 20 fishs and some coral but so far everything is ok but only sick till to ich only.. i have hear alot of ppl telling me tat there r fish hv passaway even through they change water.. but can i knw y so many ppl changing water but still the fish dead? if anyone can answer me this question i really don mind to change 20% of water everyday.. sry guys no offence.. just tat this is my point to view... just to let u guys knw tat i also never cycle my tank also.. but so far i don have any problem with my coral and fish (through they sick till to my tang) .. so if anyone kind enough to tell me ...

alamak...like what bro viperR mentioned, you keep mentioning sick sick sick.. Thats the reason why its sick!

with over 20 fishes in your small 2.5ft tank and only 1 month old, you're asking for it. Never cycle properly and your stocking up so fast, even if your fishes are not down with itch, im sure your tank will crash soon.. its only a matter of time.

When you say about water changing but people still have fishes die, doesn't mean you can do without it. Its like saying you can eat all the junk food and do without healthy food because you've been doing that for 1 month and you are still considered healthy and nothing went wrong. its a long term impact.

and i hope you make sure your mandarin get enough food ( in the form of frozen, your 2.5ft will NEVER be able to provide enough pods no matter how much you dump in) if not, please do train it.

once again, i hope you understand that there are things in this hobby that you can never try to escape.. though i've only been reefing for a mere 4 months. I've kept freshwater (and still keeping) for a pretty long time to know that even for freshwater, water change is a MUST. Yes we've heard alot stories on how people 'successfully' keep their freshwater/reef tank clean and healthy without any water change, but (at least in freshwater) hormones are released by fishes and if you do not change water to extrate/dilute the hormones, they will stunt the fishes growth and without WC, like what other bros mentioned, trace elements are not replaced.

if you insist of not practicing basic husbandry in this hobby, i suggest you decom that tank of yours and probably just visit RWS S.E.A to admire the marine fishes there.

no hard feelings sis.

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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  • SRC Member

Come on lar people are new ... just post some Comments and thinkings and you all started your bombardment.... If anyone can still remember the singapore poly lecture frederick francis marina tank ... also claim that the filter system he is using. Can maintain marine. . How is the tank now.... last time I saw was .......

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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Hey sis , no harm trying doing WC , maybe ur fishes will recover from ich and see more growth in your corals . 2 cents inputs

System 45 - 1.5 ft cube with sump

Vortech MP 10

Maxspect Nano Razor 60W

BM Nac 3.5 Skimmer

BM MF70 reactor - Rowaphos

Phosban reactor 150 - NP Biopellet

Hailea chiller HS 28A


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  • SRC Member

Sis,I think the bros here are all trying to explain how important it's to perform water change.Somemore u are keeping corals.Performing water change also remove some of the fish shit etc. Just imagine the fishes living in their own shit unlike the ocean.

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  • SRC Member

ayoi no update.. tank gt ich sad sad >< i wan to cry liao ><

time for you to stock slow. do water a 20% water change weekly to have good husbandry. ich out break is cause not quarantine of fishes, stocking too fast. last time when im new im like this one shot whack 10-20 fish. this hobby you gotta do it slow, choose your stock wisely. do a good husbandry thats what matter most

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Come on lar people are new ... just post some Comments and thinkings and you all started your bombardment.... If anyone can still remember the singapore poly lecture frederick francis marina tank ... also claim that the filter system he is using. Can maintain marine. . How is the tank now.... last time I saw was .......

still the same... i am ok to let them bomb no worry :D my sea horse and cuttle fish r doin fine... nw my blue tang and yellow tang no ich liao.. through of givin to ppl tat time but when i reach hm the fish r all ok .. just tat the power blue still hv... somemore my seahorse is eating :D but abit troublesome to feed him hai because mouth too small... i maybe will wait for my another tank to come in then i put my 2ft cube for seahorse lo...mahhaha...

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Sis,I think the bros here are all trying to explain how important it's to perform water change.Somemore u are keeping corals.Performing water change also remove some of the fish shit etc. Just imagine the fishes living in their own shit unlike the ocean.

i knw but u knw i never change water last time in my 4ft tank...but last time i never keep coral but i keep nw.. so just checkin around about info tat all... i think end of the day tat is my fish tank and is stiill up to me right? no offence...

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time for you to stock slow. do water a 20% water change weekly to have good husbandry. ich out break is cause not quarantine of fishes, stocking too fast. last time when im new im like this one shot whack 10-20 fish. this hobby you gotta do it slow, choose your stock wisely. do a good husbandry thats what matter most

sure thanks

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Guess our friend here really needs help. Anyone who stay nearby her can help?

no ned la... later reach hm tonite i am gettin out the coral and rock and fish to redo my tank liao... maybe do some water change liao... my doc fish still ok lol... never die .. don forget my MAC :D

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