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WEEKLY SHIPMENT UPDATES - 18 Feb 2013 to 24 Feb 2013

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It is not a common fish, so far only from Maldives shipment and considered deepwater but dunno how true, but with maldives suppliers now shipping to us, we should see more of these wrasse at a regular basis.. It is a easy going and hardy wrasse, Kept two one big and one small, will appear after a few days and they will not always show themselves and will only come of during feeding hours and fixed time of the day..Other times, they are in the sand sleeping.. Kept them for almost 1 year before losing them to unknown reason, no apparent injury, just started to breath heavily one after another..
Maldives? Deepwater? Hmmm... I didnt know that , considering the price!

Buy fish that excite YOU, and respect others' passions.

Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Maldives? Deepwater? Hmmm... I didnt know that , considering the price!

Deepwater not sure, stated in the net.. But it mostly comes from maldives.. I only see a few (3 Pcs) before this supplier shock me with a whole box of them..

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Sealife still have few juv queen, small abt, grey angel, blue lip, juv king angel and one show size french.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

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Hi...what's the new address of Sealife. I recall they have moved to Bukit Merah? Thanks : )

Description of my humble tank

Size - 4 x 2 x 2.5 ft

Protein Skimmer - Reef Octopus OCTX 160

Return Pump - Germain Eheim pump 3400 litres/hr

Chiller - Hailea Chiller 300A

Wave Maker - Ecotech Marine MP40W

Lighting - Solarmax 4ft MH 2 x 150 watts & 2 x T5 lights

Date of Commission of Tank - 22 Dec 2010

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Any true percs pair spotted? Thanks! Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2

there are around 5-6 pairs of true percs, no peppermint...................also new blotcy arrived. there is 2-3 wrasse......dunno what are they!

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I see iwarna many anthias

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always remember forum is like its name - forum

Singapore Reef Club – We are an online discussion community which aim to provide quality information about setting up and keeping a marine reef aquarium. By joining us as a members, you will be able to learn and share your experience in this hobby and at the same time making some friends here !! We hope by educating the public about the marine hobby, we will be able to create greater awareness of the fragility of our coral reefs as well as loving each and every living fish / corals we purchase as a responsible reefer.

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West Coast aquarium this evening

Seahorse, blue tang, nice kole eye tangs, yellow tangs, flame angels, true percular, fire gobies, maroon clown, yellow belly blue damsel etc

corals: elegannce, true octo, torch, mushrooms, plates, zoas, a few more

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  • SRC Member
West Coast aquarium this evening Seahorse, blue tang, nice kole eye tangs, yellow tangs, flame angels, true percular, fire gobies, maroon clown, yellow belly blue damsel etc corals: elegannce, true octo, torch, mushrooms, plates, zoas, a few more
Hi.. Can I have West coast aquarium address? Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2
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ah beng: yellow tangs, flame, 2 very small achillies, 1 big emperor, lots of yellow belly regal ( small-big), pbt, true percs, desjardini sailfin and other normal fishes.

auntie: very pretty pbt, moorish idols, bluelips.

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