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SG 1.010 ok for fowlr tank?

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  • SRC Member
basically, SG varies in diff parts of e world, means diff fishes live in diff SG in the ocean.

there is not much of a fix, but the norm is 1.210(i can't realli remember, depend too much on hydrometer)

err.. I think your 0 wrong place.. :P . I bet you mean 1.021.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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My wife keeps her SG lower than norm in her fowlr...she read somewhere it prevents the fish from falling sick....so far its been a year

Many reefers have saw her tank, the fishes are very healthy dispite the sheer numbers in the 5 ft tank ;) The fishes never falls sick...not sure whether that is ONE of the MANY reasons.

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Its possible to treat your fowlr tank with sg 1.010, or 1.009 to be exact, which is known as the hyposalinity process. Most reefers in the states would usually raise it up slowly to sg 1.021-1.024 over a 1-2 week period after keeping low sg for about a month. This process, called hyposalinity is used to cure ick at high degree of success.

But keep in mind that ONLY MARINE FISHES will live in such low salinity waters. Limitations of keeping low sg in tank: no shrimps, sharks, rays, worms, crabs, corals (all of them) and other inverts can live in them. There won't be any pod population in your tank. No macro algae can grow too.

On the bright side, you save a lot on salt ;)

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You can read up on hyposalinity using the www seach engine like google.

Here is a good info:


I have tried hypo waters for about a year with no side effects although eventually raise it back to normal sg 1.021 to allow for cleaner shrimps and tubeworms to be added in tank.

If you plan on keeping low sg, remember to dose pH buffers as needed as it tends to fall below 8.

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Its possible to treat your fowlr tank with sg 1.010, or 1.009 to be exact, which is known as the hyposalinity process. Most reefers in the states would usually raise it up slowly to sg 1.021-1.024 over a 1-2 week period after keeping low sg for about a month. This process, called hyposalinity is used to cure ick at high degree of success.

But keep in mind that ONLY MARINE FISHES will live in such low salinity waters. Limitations of keeping low sg in tank: no shrimps, sharks, rays, worms, crabs, corals (all of them) and other inverts can live in them. There won't be any pod population in your tank. No macro algae can grow too.

On the bright side, you save a lot on salt ;)

what about hair algae problem on my DSB? will it go away?

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no, hair algae on sand, rocks and walls as well as diatoms and cyano blooms will stay. Don't put any snails, sea urchins, sea cucumbers or starfishes as they will die.

Reduce feeding frequency and maintain low bioload. Keep nitrate readings low at about 20 max. Your hair algae will slowly go away for about 1 month due to low nutrients.

To control fine hair algae, get one lawnmower blenny (only one please cos i know they are cheap and many would want to buy more). They are voracious algae eater and hungry all the time.

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  • SRC Member
To control fine hair algae, get one lawnmower blenny (only one please cos i know they are cheap and many would want to buy more). They are voracious algae eater and hungry all the time.

and they are quite cute too.. hehe.. really, after they eat all the algae, do they die off? How do you feed them after?

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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Many reefers LMB can be weaned to eat algae sheets and spirulina flakes.

For me, I'll just change 20-25% water every month and my tank will experience a slight bit of brown/green diatom blooms, thanks to Singapore tap water, enough for LMB to eat and live :D

LMB seem to love eating algae by scraping things off the rocks and walls. Sometimes, I see him take chunks of sand into his mouth and "extract" those algae and throw off the sand back.

And he is really cute and reptilian like!

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  • SRC Member
To control fine hair algae, get one lawnmower blenny (only one please cos i know they are cheap and many would want to buy more). They are voracious algae eater and hungry all the time.

I need a LMB to take care of a recent algae bloom. Where LFS sells this? Can you post a link of picture of this little bugger?


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Many reefers LMB can be weaned to eat algae sheets and spirulina flakes.

For me, I'll just change 20-25% water every month and my tank will experience a slight bit of brown/green diatom blooms, thanks to Singapore tap water, enough for LMB to eat and live :D

LMB seem to love eating algae by scraping things off the rocks and walls. Sometimes, I see him take chunks of sand into his mouth and "extract" those algae and throw off the sand back.

And he is really cute and reptilian like!


can LMB live in SG1.010?

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