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Small nano tank

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About to embark on a new marine journey. Have a few questions in mind, hoping the gurus here can help out with.

30Cm cube tank 5mm thick. Would this be enough for a pair of clowns and maybe just a couple of low maintainence corals?

Could i go without a filter and just use liverocks for the main bio part and a skimmer?

What makes of skimmer is good enough for this tank and will not burn a hole?

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Any help here?

If i chose a tank design without holes for a sump, Can i use those overflow box to draw water from my main tank to a sump tank below the holding table and channel the water back to the main tank via a returning pump?

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I agree, a hangon filter will be sufficient for a 1 footer. Provided that u keep ur stocks to minimum. Im using a overflow box for my 2ft and yes, u can do it this way with a return pump. If u have the space, i do reccomend a sump, it adds volume to ur existing tank, thus more stable parameters. And also it can hold ur wetdry, skimmer, refugium... Less clutter on ur DT.

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Yeap I second hob filter... try getting a bigger one of you can like aquaclear ect.. so you can also use it as a fuge, flow will be enough, don't need extra powerheads. because I think later when you encounter high n03 p04 ect.. then using a hob/fuge will come in handy.

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Fantastic help guys. Decided to go with a 40cm cube with a extra 10cm depth for internal ios at the back. Cant do sump as its a table top tank.

Gonna design the ios a d go kelantan lane to do the tank. 8mm glass should be enough for this volume right? Any help on the ios design. 10cm depth enough to house the BM e3?

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