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Some guy kissed my ass


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  • SRC Member

brought to toyota they tried to fix it. but one side a bit slanted. and when it rains water leaks in .this morning guy came to take car to workshop and im stuck at home.

just a gentle reminder to u ;


some special techniques to look out for include but are not limited to:

Triple Lane Dash

Traffic Light Sprint

Hi-Beam Of Fury

Super Wide Turn Special


This happy old man from cairnhill to Amk ave 3 tailgate me all the way. Finally got sick and braked right in front of his face. The look of horror on his face was worth it as he tried to jam his brakes. tapped my back quite hard but not exactly that hard. only checked my bumper didnt bother abt the boot was it was quite high. only realised when i got home and took out my bag it cant close properly. didnt even get his number. he was all flustered and there didnt seem to be any damage at all. Next time a f****ng old man tailgates me . im going to make sure he flies through the windscreen. I will go to court. i will testify. And if he has any children. then boo-f*****g-hoo to them. Mercy is a Privilege not to be extended to those who do not deserve it.

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This happy old man from cairnhill to Amk ave 3 tailgate me all the way. Finally got sick and braked right in front of his face. The look of horror on his face was worth it as he tried to jam his brakes. tapped my back quite hard but not exactly that hard. only checked my bumper didnt bother abt the boot was it was quite high. only realised when i got home and took out my bag it cant close properly. didnt even get his number. he was all flustered and there didnt seem to be any damage at all. Next time a f****ng old man tailgates me . im going to make sure he flies through the windscreen. I will go to court. i will testify. And if he has any children. then boo-f*****g-hoo to them. Mercy is a Privilege not to be extended to those who do not deserve it.

I know the driving habits of taxi drivers and others leave a lot to be desired, but if the above is true, then sorry, its irresponsible driving and it makes you no better than him.

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  • SRC Member

Hate to say it but I agree with IanJ. That braking stunt could have hurt someone real bad, not to mention cause the guy a couple day's downtime for income. I know you are cheesed off with him, but hell you are messing with a dude's livelihood. Man, thats downright vindictive. You really go on revenge mode, dont you ;)

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At the end of the day, do you think it is worth it? After all the toyota is yours. It's damaged. Leaving a scar forever in your car.

Getting into accident is never worth it no matter who's in the right or wrong.

I believe borneo do not do 3rd party claim so you will have to claim your own policy first and by doing so you already lost your NCD and you next premium during renewal will increase. It will take time for your insurance to claim from that taxi guy.

Middle finger is also wrong as they can bring you to court for that :)

If he had been tailgating you, could it be that you're road hogging? Leave the reason about the rd speed limit. Just let him overtake you and he can go rush to hell for all he wants.

Sorry and no offence to anyone.

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  • SRC Member

You are not skilled in avoiding taxis yet my young paduan learner. I believe your reckless driving must have contributed to the taxi hitting you.


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If you want a tailgater off your back, just gently tap your brakes.

It will not slow you down but your third brake lights will come on,and he /she will have to reach for the brakes too.

Do that like once every 5 seconds ... he'll back off soon enough B)

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  • SRC Member

road hogging?? I highly doubt so :) . Reckless driving? spd limit is 90 . im going at 89-90 in the centre lane. he wants to overtake he can just go over. WHy i call him happy old man? because he comes up real close. then laughs with his passengers before going back a bit, only to come up real close again.

If he wants to risk his livelihood by indulging in foolish activities . I do not see it as my business to concern myself with his welfare. If he wants to use me to entertain himself. I dont see why i should try my best to entertain him.

As told to me by the traffic police who gave me my lic :

"when going through puddles u keep forgetting to slow down"

" But if i slow down the guy behind may hit me"

" then let him hit u .his problem not yours"

Yes i know what ur thinking. I paint a pretty sad picture of myself as the innocent victim. whos driving licence is still a piece of paper. Minding my own business on the highway when a big mean taxi driver just comes and bullies me because of my P-Plate.

But in addition to suiting my purposes and intents. Its the truth.

Dont forget. people change behind the wheel. But i remain the same :) . Next time put yourself in my shoes. think of what u'll do .

P.S mothers car not mine. If mine i'll get out and beat him with the steering wheel lock till he dies.

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i used to drive MID vehicle and i can said that is the MID vehicle is dam slow 50km for pickup and 80km for car usually if i being tailgate i would either switch lane or like rumor said tab your brake and slow down he will slow down eventully he will slow down also.

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im not the one not sparing thoughts for others.what have i done to him. did he spare a thought for poor me ?

like i said. not crash just a hard tap. but i still had to fork out $180 because i didnt notice the damage at that time. only a few hours later

.Im not complaining about how he hit me from behind. im complaining about taxis driving in general . Read properly before you decide to enlighten me with your wonderful words

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juz cant help but had to chip in a bit.

I believe alot of us had thot of doing this "stunt" to

inconsiderate-tailgating drivers, but we juz dun have the

guts to carry it out. :evil:

though this way of "re-action" is definitely not in the best interest

of both parties, but i still had to give it to SpiderOne to actually

do it. :ph34r:

I am not in the right to condone whether your action is right or wrong,

if you do not give a thot for the taxi driver or yourself, at least think

what will happen to your love one if the "stunt" did not pull

through. :cry:

I HATE tailgating driver most, they think

they can eat me juz becoz I ride a bike. They f***ing put my life in

danger, but I had to be calm and think clearly and not be rush,

as I had my love one at home to think abt :peace::peace:



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i have no idea whats their problem man. today this guy just simply REFUSE to give way to me. my signal on for almost a km finally went in front of him sped up and went into his lane. and then i turn left and he goes to the right lane to overtake me. and HE decides he suddenly wants to come back into the lane and traffic jam up in front coz orchard close. he just conveniently turns directly in my face.and gets half stuck in both lanes. guy behind him is a beng in a sunny. starts banging on the horn. i decide to join in . we pressed our horns for about half a minute in 3 second bursts. really a nice melody.

i just cant stand the way they look at you.Like you are a piece of meat on their plate. and then smile and laugh. And think they are having a great time playing with P Platers. ( without my P plate. none of this rubbish happens).

The best would be his licence gets suspended.He has to go to court.He has to EXPLAIN HIS ACTIONS.He cant earn enough money. Then maybe he will wake up and realise the rules of cause and effect and be a better driver in the future. and not a ROAD BULLY.

Or maybe old people just dont like to see a 19 year old driving on the road. After all their parents own it.

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  • SRC Member
I believe alot of us had thot of doing this "stunt" to

inconsiderate-tailgating drivers, but we juz dun have the guts to carry it out. :evil:

I agree fully man... been driving for over 5 years now :P and still, not a week goes by when I do not encounter a tailgater! I must say I'm always tempted to give it a go... afterall, the guy who hits from behind is wrong and we'd be able to claim from their insurance.

However, Spidey, it's simply not worth losing your mum's trust, or the inconvenience caused by the loss of use of the car for a few days, potential injuries on yourself or loved ones in the passenger seats, the money you forked out and all the other insurance shit.

Cabbies... they are not worth it. And you said it well when you said they own the traffic police. :evil: THEY DO!

Believe you me, I've only had one traffic problem ever in my life and it happened when I was still a P-plater in 98. I was turning right on a green arrow and a CityCab which was speeding, beat the lights coming from the other direction and hit me so hard, I spun 360 degree around!

When I went over to check on him and his passenger, he abused me verbally in Hokkien! Whats worse, he actually told the police that it was green for him and that I had not looked before I turned.

When I was interviewed by the police about a week later, the officer had tried to persuade me and my witness to admit that the accident was a result of my carelessness because the old cabbie, who had a family to feed cannot afford to pay higher premiums the following year?

I was utterly disgusted :sick: at the lack of professionalism. They even offered to not charge me for reckless driving if I admitted to my 'mistake'.

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