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Raid on Pasir Ris Farm

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  • SRC Member

:o Dear all,

I was told by a friend who recently went farmway 2 said that some government body raided the farm for unlicense vendors who sold corals.

Can anyone confirm this is true? If it is true then it will difficult to find hard coral already & the price will increase definitely!!!


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Guess what guys... I heard a rumour! *cue Bananarama song*

The guy responsible for all the AVA raids these few days is none other than...... *wait for the drumroll*.... AT!!!!

That's right! WOW!!!!!! I nearly fell off my chair when someone reported this to me today! :blink:

So apparently now, I am a secret agent working for AVA, and I have people working for me at the airports and fishing ports who report to me about illegal shipments of corals that were not CITIES declared! :fear:

Perhaps I was the mysterious man :ph34r: during the raid seen all dressed in black with a balaclava mask, combat boots, holding a walkie-talkie and a MP5 submachine gun. :D

I mean, ever since SRC came into the scene, I have been involved in a few crazy rumours... but this one really takes the CAKE!!!! :pinch:

Gee.... some people are really so free. :rolleyes: I hope they get a life!

This one seemed to have evolved from a rumour a few days ago that an SRC member was the one who reported to AVA and the raids happened.... but now... I'm apparently involved too! :lol:

I spoke to the boss of one of those LFF that got raided and he and I had a good laugh at this rumour. Even he said whichever LFS's willing to take the risk of smuggling corals has to face the music themselves with AVA and why look for those who 'spied' or scapegoats? :lol: I really salute him!

Anyway, I am used to it! It coincides with every season of AVA checks and raids. ;)

Stay tuned, for a rumour coming near you! :D

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  • SRC Member

I believe u are not a spy, by putting up this web its show that u have a good heart that want help other to know more abt marine & get better price marine LS.

It is not easy to set up a web to maintain it especailly for free!!!

Thanks for the hard work AT!!! B)

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Are you talking to me? (*does Robert DeNiro in Taxi Driver) :D

Gentlemen, I think we have a rat in our midst. It's extermination time!! :evil:

There's a rumour that rumor is part of an insidious Greenpeace breakaway faction out to infiltrate hobby clubs such as ours to free fishes from tanks around the world! Is that true? :eyebrow:

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aiya.. its like man on the street selling pirated vcd/dvds..

it may serve the "general public" interest, but then still illegal..

sama sama for corals..

"general public" - selected few.. u know pirated sellers also got family to feed..!! <_<

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That is why sg is too efficient also no good, life can never be a bed of roses!!!

It's not that. There are not enough things in sg to keep people preoccupied..that's why some ppl have too much time in their hands...spreading rumors for cheap thrill.

Always something more important than fish.


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