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Calling Angel lover's

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There is a frozen sponge & algae food formulated for angels from "Ocean Nutrition" and some LFS carry this product. Have tried but not all angels love it.

Which LFS sells this in sg?

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

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Nv feed mysis to your fishes unless possbile. I notice that the frozen mysis we get causes many case of bloated stomache and internal issue to our marine fishes. One of the main reason I suspect is the handling and logistic which the mysis may end up defrosting and refreezing in different locations before arriving at our house.
does soaking in garlic helps to kill the bacteria?
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Which LFS sells this in sg?

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Aquamarin used to bring this frozen sponge food in but not anymore for some reason. Maybe someone can share where to buy this locally?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

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does soaking in garlic helps to kill the bacteria?

Garlic can be very profilactic, killing many bacteria and generally supporting the immune system, although there are no lab studies that nail this down. Normally, I refrain from feeding terrestrial plant materials to my fish, such as grain. They are biologically quite different from marine alga and may be less digestable. Small amounts do no harm and may, as by humans, aid in cleaning the digestive track. I do not think this has been investigated.

You may actually have a problem with freezing-thawing of krill. After all, Singapore is tropical! That said, when I have received bad frozen food, my fish refused it. Upon closer examination and putting my nose to it thawed, I realised why they refused.

I forgot to mention, I do feed small amounts of chopped clams and calimari-squid critters to all my fish. Even the angels. It is more a treat than a staple. Anthias love the stuff, as long as its fine enough.



Jamie Vande

Vertex Aquaristik

Cologne, Germany



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tEc" post="1125848" timestamp="1376543384"]Some update of my Fowlr, sold some fishes added a few.. http://youtu.be/seJZEF2TyMU'>http://youtu.be/seJZEF2TyMU
Niceee. Very healthy looking fishes there bro.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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Very Nice! Bro. Do u on chiller? Weekly water change? Was Poisoned. So Planning a fowlr Tank next year. But not Sure the effort of maintainence compared sps Tank.
Hey bro, i am running on chiller with temp set at 27.5 degree. For my tank maintainance is simple. No dosing needed. Ideal is weekly water change. But sometimes i change once 3 weeks. Depending on what kind of fish u intending to keep.
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tEc" post="1125927" timestamp="1376571403"]

Hey bro, i am running on chiller with temp set at 27.5 degree. For my tank maintainance is simple. No dosing needed. Ideal is weekly water change. But sometimes i change once 3 weeks. Depending on what kind of fish u intending to keep.[/oquote]

Thanks bro. Good to know that. Seems chiller is the must also. Pluus huge water value electric wont go lower. Haha.

Always want to have both Sps and fowlr tanks at home. But worried pocket got burnt huge hole also.

Your Tank 5x2x 2?

:superman: :superman: :superman: :superman: :superman: :superman: :superman:

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Bro kkk121 how about a big fowlr tank since thats the point being able to keep large angels and a nano sps tank to satiate ur hunger. Smaller sps tank also lower costs :)

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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Bro kkk121 how about a big fowlr tank since thats the point being able to keep large angels and a nano sps tank to satiate ur hunger. Smaller sps tank also lower costs :)

Agree. 4ft for fowlr enough? Ideal?

Plus a 2ft cube Sps. Or 3ft shallow....

Btw i loke ur photo. Haha

:superman: :superman: :superman: :superman: :superman: :superman: :superman:

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Agree. 4ft for fowlr enough? Ideal?

Plus a 2ft cube Sps. Or 3ft shallow....

Btw i loke ur photo. Haha

if u intend to keep angels, go for bigger tank.

I tried keep a fowlr n a nano sps tank. end up decom the sps tank.

go with your heart, are u sps or fish person? right from the beginning, i love fishes more than corals. for me, i will be happy spending 1 hr feeding my fishes, looking at them, rather than doing dosing n measurement of water perimeters for my corals

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Hey bro, i am running on chiller with temp set at 27.5 degree. For my tank maintainance is simple. No dosing needed. Ideal is weekly water change. But sometimes i change once 3 weeks. Depending on what kind of fish u intending to keep.

What is the hp of your chiller?

By the way, nice angel fish tank

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