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What secret method u use so that the angels wont fight wif each other ?

By right is introduce smallest to biggest.

For me I always put the new fish in a acrylic tank inside the main tank n let them get use to the newcomer. after releasing into e main tank, there will be some chasing and fighting with broken fins. But after a few days fine already..

Basically I was told by TFC your tank must be big enough so that when they chase they will chase a distance then sian liow...

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Thanks for the advise :) i tried this method ytd by releasing 4 angels ( regal , juv earspot , juv queen and blueline) . Only juv queen managed to be doing fine while the rest was being attack by majestic , blueface and french till my heart break n re-catch them to put in QT tank again.

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  • SRC Member
Thanks for the advise :) i tried this method ytd by releasing 4 angels ( regal , juv earspot , juv queen and blueline) . Only juv queen managed to be doing fine while the rest was being attack by majestic , blueface and french till my heart break n re-catch them to put in QT tank again.
My style is place new fish in cage to let it settle down. Release only when it is feeding well. If no choice then catch the bullies and put in sump.
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Thanks for the advise :) i tried this method ytd by releasing 4 angels ( regal , juv earspot , juv queen and blueline) . Only juv queen managed to be doing fine while the rest was being attack by majestic , blueface and french till my heart break n re-catch them to put in QT tank again.

Try putting them in a betta box and float them in ur Dt for about 3 - 4 days so they can get accustomed to the lighting and water parameters before letting them out at night. If still fighting n u cant catch ur offenders, rearrange the rockscape to reset their territories. Usually that would do the trick but try not to stir up the sediment or ur tank may crash

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I like the pellet cos it doesnt sink well. My angels love to eat from surface n mid water. Once touch sand, they dont want liao. Very strange.

wish my angels are like urs, mine are opposite some are so blur that the food drop right past their face they dont even see, have to go down to the gravel to peck.. =(

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  • SRC Member

Updates on my side:

My 3rd Attempt on Flame Angels has failed again.

1st Attempt:-

Loaded in 3 Flame from TFC during my first attempt of 3 Flame. All Died within 2 weeks except 1.

2nd Attempt:-

I loaded in 3 Tiny Flame from CF.

Result: Only 1 survived and very active. Tiny one seemed to remain at that size for the longest time but one of the greediest fish in my tank and he has no fear over other Bigger Angels.

My 3rd Attempt:-

I load in another 3 from TFC. All died after 3 weeks.

Final Tally: So now, I only have 1 Large & 1 Tiny.

The rest of my Angels of different breed are doing very well - Emperor, Blue Face, Keyhole, Blue Lip, Singapore, Coral Beauty, Flame Backs, Regal. All Fat and Active.

All live with peace except that Emperor enjoys chasing the Regal Angel now & then.

Just my fate with Flame Angels did not seem to take off fine.

The source of the Flame Angels are very sound.

All rich and fat during purchase.

So there is nothing wrong with the source. Appreciate the condition offered by TFC & CF.

But I am not giving up ... Going to try again.

Crossing fingers.. Really love to have some Red Orange colour in my tank.

Envy those brothers who has successfully retain the Flame in their tank.

Especially this chap:-

Just sharing ya ...

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  • SRC Member
I have to load in 1 Male & 2 Female at the same time. Hard to find Reefer who has the right combi ....
Bro u already have one large and one tiny. So I assume u looking for another tiny one?

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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FInally after my last attempt to add a smaller queen with my bigger queen failed, I decided to try again. After clearing some bioload and This time following the advices of The Fish Channel and Bro Vtec by caging both the new fish and the aggressive fish mainly for my case the King Angel for a few days.

And I'm glad to say it's been one week and both my queens are peaceful. Even after releasing my King angel, There is no fight or aggression!

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FInally after my last attempt to add a smaller queen with my bigger queen failed, I decided to try again. After clearing some bioload and This time following the advices of The Fish Channel and Bro Vtec by caging both the new fish and the aggressive fish mainly for my case the King Angel for a few days.

And I'm glad to say it's been one week and both my queens are peaceful. Even after releasing my King angel, There is no fight or aggression!

Hi, I saw your listing in earlier post. The unknown butterfly fish is falcula butterflyfish.

Just kaypoh ;)


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Eh... Nope. I am looking for another 1 x Male and 2 or 3 X Female.
Oh okay. :) I always thought a harem would be one male with a few females. And a large one most prob would be a male, on top of with more blue and sharp anal fins. Any reasons for looking for another male since u have a large flame already?

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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  • SRC Member
FInally after my last attempt to add a smaller queen with my bigger queen failed, I decided to try again. After clearing some bioload and This time following the advices of The Fish Channel and Bro Vtec by caging both the new fish and the aggressive fish mainly for my case the King Angel for a few days. And I'm glad to say it's been one week and both my queens are peaceful. Even after releasing my King angel, There is no fight or aggression! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5Vcm3fVy_c'>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5Vcm3fVy_c
Wah Bro nice fishes! Any more on your coming soon list? A conspic maybe? :)

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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  • SRC Member

Oh okay. :) I always thought a harem would be one male with a few females. And a large one most prob would be a male, on top of with more blue and sharp anal fins. Any reasons for looking for another male since u have a large flame already?

My existing Large Flame is a FEMALE.

So I intend to load in one Male plus another 3 female.

So end of the day, ONe Male with many Females ....

Did i confuse you ? LOL ......

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  • SRC Member
My existing Large Flame is a FEMALE. So I intend to load in one Male plus another 3 female. So end of the day, ONe Male with many Females .... Did i confuse you ? LOL ......
Hahaha. Okay okay now I got it. Quite confused initially. Good luck for your efforts in keeping a harem. Now I rmbd u got the 3 flames from TFC and we were outside talking about some italian being choosy about a house.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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  • SRC Member

Hahaha. Okay okay now I got it. Quite confused initially. Good luck for your efforts in keeping a harem. Now I rmbd u got the 3 flames from TFC and we were outside talking about some italian being choosy about a house.

Ah... I see.

You still remember.. LOL

Crossing fingers.. Will try again.

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Wah Bro nice fishes! Any more on your coming soon list? A conspic maybe? :)
Thanks Bro. Haha. Slowly getting rid of my tangs to make place for more angels. Conspic maybe. Kinda ex thou. .
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