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DIY sump


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  • SRC Member

can i add in my sump design?

hope u dun mind ..

maybe we can share out ideas too.

just wondering what type of media shld i use for cycle

a. wools

b. wools again ? i mean those super fine wool. ?

c. izzit gd to put in bioball? or coralchip/sand?

d. ?

e. active carbon?

f. ?

really need some guys comment abt my design and what media shld i use



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  • SRC Member

Ok guys, gotto think about whether you can fit your hands into those chambers to clean the sumps sometimes or when stuff get stuck in there. Serviceability is a big issue.


The 2" underflows will be very hard to reach into and you don't need so many passes. You'll only need one to remove bubbles produced by the skimmer just before the return pump.


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  • SRC Member

RMX i edited a bit sorry. What about this.

Acrylic Aquarium Filtering Systems

Acrylic tanks, sumps, protein skimmers, overflow box, refugium, calcium reactors, zeovit reactors and many more...

Our New Address:

Blk 9003, Tampines St. 93,

Tampines Industrial Park A,

#03-134, Singapore 528837

(Located behind Tampines SAFRA)

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Email me : info@iaquatic.com

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  • SRC Member

Sorry here is the pic :(


Acrylic Aquarium Filtering Systems

Acrylic tanks, sumps, protein skimmers, overflow box, refugium, calcium reactors, zeovit reactors and many more...

Our New Address:

Blk 9003, Tampines St. 93,

Tampines Industrial Park A,

#03-134, Singapore 528837

(Located behind Tampines SAFRA)

Contact Nos.

(Tel) +65 9298 9489

(Fax) +65 6588 4711

Please direct your...

Email me : info@iaquatic.com

*Please do not send PM's to us. Thank you

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  • SRC Member

Hey i'm really sorry, dam sleepy man. :blink: This is the correct pic.


Acrylic Aquarium Filtering Systems

Acrylic tanks, sumps, protein skimmers, overflow box, refugium, calcium reactors, zeovit reactors and many more...

Our New Address:

Blk 9003, Tampines St. 93,

Tampines Industrial Park A,

#03-134, Singapore 528837

(Located behind Tampines SAFRA)

Contact Nos.

(Tel) +65 9298 9489

(Fax) +65 6588 4711

Please direct your...

Email me : info@iaquatic.com

*Please do not send PM's to us. Thank you

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  • SRC Member
for the underflow, would it be better for it to be 1 inch??

If the gap is too short, you might get water overflowing the first compartment when a large return pump is utilised......

rendering the first compartment useless.....

go a little larger 2-3 inches... jus in case you might consider a larger return pump in the future....

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