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Porcupine Puffer


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Anyone has any experience keeping porcupine puffer?

Really a nice and intelligent species..

Can't resist and bought one today..

Was told they can just feed on normal marine feeds..

But this fellow just won't eat..

Throw dried shrimps also not eating..

Any cost effective food to intro?

My puffer!!!


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  • SRC Member

They are more interested in crustacean especially the live ones.

But you can try market prawn. Trick it using some movement to mimick live prawn.

You can feed cockles or other clams too.

It will hunt snails too.

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  • SRC Member

They have ever growing tooth. Best is always give them food that it can crush to keep the tooth growth in check.

When the tooth is too big they will refuse to eat and die.

When properly kept they can live extending to 10-15 years.

I have been keeping greens potted puffer for 1.5 years in brackish water.

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Try freeze dried prawns? Those that are usually fed to terrapins.

I have a similar porcupine puffer _ cannot remember the species but its spines are always extended.

Eats everything,.... even freeze dried brine shrimp and frozen mysis shrimp.

Give it a bit of time - puffers are usually greedy and should start eating soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had one before who loves nothing but market prawn.. So hungry it sticks its mouth out of the water to bite e chopstick that I use to feed e MP.. He died when my return pump hose came off for 12 hrs..

I have seen some who takes my sis too but right now i am Keeping a 2 inche juvi one who just started eating pellets! Got it from ah Beng last week!


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Had one before who loves nothing but market prawn.. So hungry it sticks its mouth out of the water to bite e chopstick that I use to feed e MP.. He died when my return pump hose came off for 12 hrs..

I have seen some who takes my sis too but right now i am Keeping a 2 inche juvi one who just started eating pellets! Got it from ah Beng last week!

Follow Alex's Reefing Journey @ 




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