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ATS Tray


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Hi all,

Anyone use before the ATS tray and found it useful? can any experience reefers with ATS share with me.

Am looking to build one in my sump.

For a 3-4 feet tank, what is the minimum require size tray to be effective to control nitrate and PO4?

Is the water flow to the ATS important?

i read there are different type of ATS.

Some build in the sump water with air bubbles and the other type like T-shape hanging on the air and one more like 45deg.

Which is better?

Thank you in advance.

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I built one many years back using 45 degree type. It is very effective in controlling PO4 and NO2. Build according to the size ur sump can cater for and the water flow is important as well as light.

what is the water flow recommended? can i modify ( split the main outlet pipe to the tray? )

As i do not want to add another water pump into the sump.

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