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ah beng flame angel only 3.8 reds. Very super reasonable price........ Unlike the other LFS & retail selling at sky rocket price. I can't mention names as most of the veteran reefers should know... Sellers should understand reefing is a hobby. As I reckon $$ is to be made and business is business, profits should be reasonable too.

I share knowledge, interest & passion in reefing.. NOT by showing them off...

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ah beng flame angel only 3.8 reds. Very super reasonable price........ Unlike the other LFS & retail selling at sky rocket price. I can't mention names as most of the veteran reefers should know... Sellers should understand reefing is a hobby. As I reckon $$ is to be made and business is business, profits should be reasonable too.

Farm price will always be lower because overheads is lower. That's why it is never possible for LFS pricing to be the same as farms. If it's the same all LFS will have to close down. IMHO $38 is too cheap for flame angelfish, same goes for the current pricing of purple tang. If one fish dies you have no idea how many of the same fish the farm owner has to sell just to cover the cost of the dead fish.

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Always something more important than fish.


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ah beng flame angel only 3.8 reds. Very super reasonable price........ Unlike the other LFS & retail selling at sky rocket price. I can't mention names as most of the veteran reefers should know... Sellers should understand reefing is a hobby. As I reckon $$ is to be made and business is business, profits should be reasonable too.

What happens if prices keeps going up? Should consumers fall prey? In business perspective, risks are inevitable. There's no sure win in every business dealings... It's a pragmatic world. As a consumer myself, it's only realistic that I do what benefits my pocket & wallet. Why pay the very samething at a higher price when there are better options? I have to reiterate that reefing is a hobby. I guess sellers should foresee disastrous outcome when reefing becomes an unaffordable hobby. A hobby which shuns by many due to its high prices......

I share knowledge, interest & passion in reefing.. NOT by showing them off...

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Being neutral ....

Consumers like us has no rights to decide if the Business Owner selling price is Too High, Low or Reasonable.

As the word implies ... Business allows the Owner to decide what type of profit margin he or she wants.

If we cannot match their price or they cannot match our expectation in price... don't buy.

No obligations ...

Afterall, individuals have their own formulas for running a business ...

End of the day, they don't need to explain or justify to us their business costings, overheads and risk to us. Same for their pricing.

"Wanna Buy, Just Buy.

Don't wanna buy, Bye Bye"

Simple as that ..... let's just buy from places that we feel shiok about and be happy ..

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Being neutral ....

Consumers like us has no rights to decide if the Business Owner selling price is Too High, Low or Reasonable.

As the word implies ... Business allows the Owner to decide what type of profit margin he or she wants.

If we cannot match their price or they cannot match our expectation in price... don't buy.

No obligations ...

Afterall, individuals have their own formulas for running a business ...

End of the day, they don't need to explain or justify to us their business costings, overheads and risk to us. Same for their pricing.

"Wanna Buy, Just Buy.

Don't wanna buy, Bye Bye"

Simple as that ..... let's just buy from places that we feel shiok about and be happy ..

Yes, That is always the way I buy things if it is not within my means or not that worth, I will just not buy..

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Yes, That is always the way I buy things if it is not within my means or not that worth, I will just not buy..

Yeap.... we buy whatever we are willing to pay and feel good about it.

End of the day, if they sell it too high above market norm, most will not patronise them anymore.

Then it's time for them to reconsider their positioning again ...

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bus fare hike due to certain reasons... but we still have alternatives & that's cycle or walk to work......


Wanna take bus, just take.

If dun wan, cycle OR walk to work???

LoL... Funny leh...

I share knowledge, interest & passion in reefing.. NOT by showing them off...

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Guys, it's going to be a never ending argumentative topic... All are valid reasons. Straight to the point.

We can always shun LFS with uncompetitive prices & give full support to LFS with better pricing. It's not our moral obligation to support higher cost & harm our wallets.

**To each its own. As for myself, since LS are the same, I'll definitely support LFS that doesn't harm my wallet :-)

Be cool...


What Matters Is Not By Comparing Ourselves With Others

What We Can Do For Others Matters Most

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NO wild caught fishes are parasites free!! It ain't matter how well fishes are conditioned, if the water parameters in our tanks doesn't meet minimum requirements of marine life, it's of NO use buying them from super renowned LFS.. In addition, by conditioning these fishes enables sellers to fetch steep profits? We have to be REALISTIC! I've started reefing since Ocean Planet & Reborn days. They don't need high profits to generate good sales, it's the true & genuine sellers that keeps reefing alive.

I share knowledge, interest & passion in reefing.. NOT by showing them off...

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NO wild caught fishes are parasites free!! It ain't matter how well fishes are conditioned, if the water parameters in our tanks doesn't meet minimum requirements of marine life, it's of NO use buying them from super renowned LFS.. In addition, by conditioning these fishes enables sellers to fetch steep profits? We have to be REALISTIC! I've started reefing since Ocean Planet & Reborn days. They don't need high profits to generate good sales, it's the true & genuine sellers that keeps reefing alive.

STOP Ranting ... Move on.

You can don't buy if you are not happy with their prices. Simple as that.

You can start a New Thread for this Discussion...

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NO wild caught fishes are parasites free!! It ain't matter how well fishes are conditioned, if the water parameters in our tanks doesn't meet minimum requirements of marine life, it's of NO use buying them from super renowned LFS.. In addition, by conditioning these fishes enables sellers to fetch steep profits? We have to be REALISTIC! I've started reefing since Ocean Planet & Reborn days. They don't need high profits to generate good sales, it's the true & genuine sellers that keeps reefing alive.

Main topic aside. I agree that no wild caught fishes are parasites free but purchasing from shop that takes good care of their livestock such as quarantining and acclimitizing it before hand reduces most if not some of the parasites. This will at least gives the fish a fighting chance as it allows the immune system of the fish to slowly recover as all fishes that arrives at LFS suffer from long flight journey, are stressed up and thus their immune system will be at the lowest. With proper acclimitation, the fish will not be further stressed upon in its new environment and thus will have a higher chance to feed. A feeding fish usually is a thriving fish. Comparing to a shop that do not acclimitize or handle their fishes properly and adding them into tank with poor water quality exposing them to more alien parasites I believe I will pay slightly more for better quality fishes. I may end up with a fish that thrives for years compared to having a multiple that will just waste away should I get them from LFSes that do not condition their livestocks.

I believe this is especially true for touchy fishes eg. Achilles Tang where i witness on many occasions reefers will paying alot more for a established and feeding fish compared to rushing down LFSes to chance upon a newly arrvied. If you speak to reefers enough, you will know that there are certain LFSes "specialise" in such finicky fishes such as Regal angels, Achilles Tang, Moorish Idols and the hit rate of getting a healthy and thriving fish with them is rather high.

Additional point to note is that getting a fish from LFS with improper husbandary may end up with one biggest regret as the new livestock may bring along foreign parasites with it and you end up infecting your whole tank and killing all your established and precious fishes in a short time frame. The name would be very familiar to most reefers , "Marine Velvet".

Thus I believe in terms of pricings, its always a willing buyer, willing seller and I am one who is abit more KIASU and will fork more to get a healthy livestock at a LFS with better husbandary not renowed as some renowed LFS have pretty poor husbandary. To know how good is the husbandary, you just need to look at how the lfs personnels handle the livestock when new shipment arrives.

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NO wild caught fishes are parasites free!! It ain't matter how well fishes are conditioned, if the water parameters in our tanks doesn't meet minimum requirements of marine life, it's of NO use buying them from super renowned LFS.. In addition, by conditioning these fishes enables sellers to fetch steep profits? We have to be REALISTIC! I've started reefing since Ocean Planet & Reborn days. They don't need high profits to generate good sales, it's the true & genuine sellers that keeps reefing alive.

A fish that is quarantined and feeding at the LFS will be easier to get it acclimatized to our tank condition.. A lot of the LFS have been around since Ocean Planet/ Paradiz Reef Days and they are still around and providing quality livestock to the marine community... Most livestocks from those LFS with quarantine facility are likely to survive better than those without quarantine... Buying from LFS without quarantine is your own risk, the parasite such as ich and velvet will infect your tank and caused a wipeout..I believe a lot of reefers experienced that when starting out... Not saying that a livestock from a LFS with quarantine faciity will do better but the chances are higher that they dont carry any of these risks...

Pricing is very subjective, if the fish only they can bring in, i will still patronise them even if the price is higher... But with a quarantine tank at home,you have more freedom to buy from LFS without quarantine.. But than the cost of maintaining the quarantine tank at home, it is something that is long term as long as you are adding fishes, so the cost of running the QT is on yourself else you can continue to buy fishes that you have to keep replacing all the time..

But sorry, it is not true and genuine reefer that keep the market alive, most of the time are new reefers that are not exposed to any information and buying livestock every week and replace when they die and they are buying the expert fishes and not easy to keep alive, it is a common sight at most farms.. If the LFS really cater to true and genuine reefers, once we buy fishes we can keep it alive and it is the end of story...

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Main topic aside. I agree that no wild caught fishes are parasites free but purchasing from shop that takes good care of their livestock such as quarantining and acclimitizing it before hand reduces most if not some of the parasites. This will at least gives the fish a fighting chance as it allows the immune system of the fish to slowly recover as all fishes that arrives at LFS suffer from long flight journey, are stressed up and thus their immune system will be at the lowest. With proper acclimitation, the fish will not be further stressed upon in its new environment and thus will have a higher chance to feed. A feeding fish usually is a thriving fish. Comparing to a shop that do not acclimitize or handle their fishes properly and adding them into tank with poor water quality exposing them to more alien parasites I believe I will pay slightly more for better quality fishes. I may end up with a fish that thrives for years compared to having a multiple that will just waste away should I get them from LFSes that do not condition their livestocks.

I believe this is especially true for touchy fishes eg. Achilles Tang where i witness on many occasions reefers will paying alot more for a established and feeding fish compared to rushing down LFSes to chance upon a newly arrvied. If you speak to reefers enough, you will know that there are certain LFSes "specialise" in such finicky fishes such as Regal angels, Achilles Tang, Moorish Idols and the hit rate of getting a healthy and thriving fish with them is rather high.

Additional point to note is that getting a fish from LFS with improper husbandary may end up with one biggest regret as the new livestock may bring along foreign parasites with it and you end up infecting your whole tank and killing all your established and precious fishes in a short time frame. The name would be very familiar to most reefers , "Marine Velvet".

Thus I believe in terms of pricings, its always a willing buyer, willing seller and I am one who is abit more KIASU and will fork more to get a healthy livestock at a LFS with better husbandary not renowed as some renowed LFS have pretty poor husbandary. To know how good is the husbandary, you just need to look at how the lfs personnels handle the livestock when new shipment arrives.

WELL said man! This is the kind of reefer I'm talking about. Unlike others, knows little & rants alot... LoL

I share knowledge, interest & passion in reefing.. NOT by showing them off...

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A fish that is quarantined and feeding at the LFS will be easier to get it acclimatized to our tank condition.. A lot of the LFS have been around since Ocean Planet/ Paradiz Reef Days and they are still around and providing quality livestock to the marine community... Most livestocks from those LFS with quarantine facility are likely to survive better than those without quarantine... Buying from LFS without quarantine is your own risk, the parasite such as ich and velvet will infect your tank and caused a wipeout..I believe a lot of reefers experienced that when starting out... Not saying that a livestock from a LFS with quarantine faciity will do better but the chances are higher that they dont carry any of these risks...

Pricing is very subjective, if the fish only they can bring in, i will still patronise them even if the price is higher... But with a quarantine tank at home,you have more freedom to buy from LFS without quarantine.. But than the cost of maintaining the quarantine tank at home, it is something that is long term as long as you are adding fishes, so the cost of running the QT is on yourself else you can continue to buy fishes that you have to keep replacing all the time..

But sorry, it is not true and genuine reefer that keep the market alive, most of the time are new reefers that are not exposed to any information and buying livestock every week and replace when they die and they are buying the expert fishes and not easy to keep alive, it is a common sight at most farms.. If the LFS really cater to true and genuine reefers, once we buy fishes we can keep it alive and it is the end of story...

Lol it can cater for old time reefer also because the fish can still be keep dieting and buying...

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Dispar_Anthias, on 18 December 2012 - 03:54 PM, said:

Main topic aside. I agree that no wild caught fishes are parasites free but purchasing from shop that takes good care of their livestock such as quarantining and acclimitizing it before hand reduces most if not some of the parasites. This will at least gives the fish a fighting chance as it allows the immune system of the fish to slowly recover as all fishes that arrives at LFS suffer from long flight journey, are stressed up and thus their immune system will be at the lowest. With proper acclimitation, the fish will not be further stressed upon in its new environment and thus will have a higher chance to feed. A feeding fish usually is a thriving fish. Comparing to a shop that do not acclimitize or handle their fishes properly and adding them into tank with poor water quality exposing them to more alien parasites I believe I will pay slightly more for better quality fishes. I may end up with a fish that thrives for years compared to having a multiple that will just waste away should I get them from LFSes that do not condition their livestocks.

I believe this is especially true for touchy fishes eg. Achilles Tang where i witness on many occasions reefers will paying alot more for a established and feeding fish compared to rushing down LFSes to chance upon a newly arrvied. If you speak to reefers enough, you will know that there are certain LFSes "specialise" in such finicky fishes such as Regal angels, Achilles Tang, Moorish Idols and the hit rate of getting a healthy and thriving fish with them is rather high.

Additional point to note is that getting a fish from LFS with improper husbandary may end up with one biggest regret as the new livestock may bring along foreign parasites with it and you end up infecting your whole tank and killing all your established and precious fishes in a short time frame. The name would be very familiar to most reefers , "Marine Velvet".

Thus I believe in terms of pricings, its always a willing buyer, willing seller and I am one who is abit more KIASU and will fork more to get a healthy livestock at a LFS with better husbandary not renowed as some renowed LFS have pretty poor husbandary. To know how good is the husbandary, you just need to look at how the lfs personnels handle the livestock when new shipment arrives.


WELL said man! This is the kind of reefer I'm talking about. Unlike others, knows little & rants alot... LoL


Glad that you finally agreed on the pricing issue.

Hopefully next time you won't start the Ranting Non Stop ya ....

"Own Goal" ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

In fact we are fortunate of having being able to buy live stock at a more affordable price here in Singapore. If we compare the prices of our live stocks here to places like Japan, Thailand, USA and Europe , our prices for most of our live stocks here is much affordable .

If you check out site like http://www.liveaquaria.com , we will be able to see how much some of our local live stock is selling overseas.

For some LFS, they prefer to sell cheaper hopefully to clear the fish as fast as they could, since the longer they hold the stocks, the greater risk they have to bare of fish dieing . For others LFS, the work needed for more water change, condition and QT the newly bought in fish which all add into additional time, Risk and cost of labors have to be justify into the cost of the fish as well .

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