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Seems that newbies with less than 100 posts who are not allowed to create threads at Pasar Malam are posting their WTB at the Swop Shop section instead.

That defeats the purpose of the 100 posts in the first place.

I would like to suggest to include this restriction for the whole Classified/Bulk Order forums, and not just Pasar Malam only.

Sometimes the good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay. - Harvey Specter

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they can't post at Pasar Malam so no choice but to take risk to post at swop shop, that's the negative result of restriction in Pasar Malam.

should scrap the 100 post limits, it should be open market not private market, I believe many other with less then 100 posts got many stuffs they want to sell off and thats including me, I'm more a forum reader than poster for years and because of this limits I always see nonsense posts in many threads just to increase their post count. :dunno:

How to grow up with all those restriction? aren't we have enough of restriction in real world?

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