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Coral Food and Addictives For Sale


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  • SRC Member

Hi reefers,

Selling the following coral food and addictives as I am going to do a fowler tank:

  1. 1) Fauna Marin Ultra Min Fine Food (100ml), unopened - $15 (Usual Price $28);
  2. 2) Fauna Marin Ultra Zoa/Acan Fine Food (100ml), unopened - $15 (Usual Price $28);
  3. 3) NutriBiotic Buffered Sodium Ascorbate Vit. C (16OZ size), Expiry date: Aug 2013, 80% left - $10;
  4. 4) Seachem Reef Builder, 300g, 80% left - $6;
  5. 5) Seachem Reef Advantage Strontium, 300g, 90% left - $6

As prices are already at lelong levels, pls do not negotiate downloads with me anymore.

Take all bundled price - $46.

Collection will be at Jurong Point/Lakeside MRT.

Interested buyers pls pm me.

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  • SRC Member

<p>Sales update:</p>


<ul class="bbcol decimal">

<li>1) Fauna Marin Ultra Min Fine Food (100ml), unopened - $15 (Usual Price $28); <span style="color:#ff0000;">(reserved by xxxxx723)</span></li>

<li><span style="font-family: Calibri">2) </span>Fauna Marin Ultra Zoa/Acan Fine Food (100ml), unopened - $15 (Usual Price $28); <span style="color:#ff0000;">(reserved by xxxxx723)</span></li>

<li><span style="font-family: Calibri">3) </span>NutriBiotic Buffered Sodium Ascorbate Vit. C (16OZ size), Expiry date: Aug 2013, 80% left - $10;</li>

<li><span style="font-family: Calibri">4) </span>Seachem Reef Builder, 300g, 80% left - $6;</li>

<li><span style="font-family: Calibri">5) </span>Seachem Reef Advantage Strontium, 300g, 90% left - $6</li>


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  • SRC Member

Items 4 and 5 are reserved by xxxxx630.

Left with item 3.

The reserved items are pending collection by this weekend.

If the buyers back out, will give priority to the other interested buyers in queue.

Thanks for support.

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