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Yasha goby lovers must head down to uncle bac's shop! Large specimens by yasha standard, well quarantined for over 2 months n feeding on mysis n uncle bac's pellets! Plus a good number of males n females to choose from! :)

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Was at fish channel last evening

they still have

Large flame angels, medium size i think left one

small multicolor angels

many small - medium taiwan blueline angels

many medium - large king angels

XL hybrid queen angels

small yellow eye kole tang

flame hawk

1 very nice flame wrasse male

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Sorry to interrupt. Any bros know where I can purchase Sander 2 wooden block? I went to C328 and was told out of stock. Bought Sander 1 but bubbles not very effective... Any bros can help?

I share knowledge, interest & passion in reefing.. NOT by showing them off...

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AM might have. u might wanna check with them

Can try PetMart. Call Ben.

What Matters Is Not By Comparing Ourselves With Others

What We Can Do For Others Matters Most

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By the way, anyone spotted juvenile lion fish? The ones with yellowish fins? :-)

What Matters Is Not By Comparing Ourselves With Others

What We Can Do For Others Matters Most

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Sorry to interrupt. Any bros know where I can purchase Sander 2 wooden block? I went to C328 and was told out of stock. Bought Sander 1 but bubbles not very effective... Any bros can help?

Try PetMart. Call Ben before proceeding there.

What Matters Is Not By Comparing Ourselves With Others

What We Can Do For Others Matters Most

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Anyone saw any Ricordia Florida and Maxi-Mini carpet anemone lately?

Display Tank: 48" x 18" x 24"

Lighting: 92 x 3W DIY Bridgelux LEDs from AquaStyle

Return Pump: Hailea HX-6830

Circulation Pump: AquaOne Maxi 102

Skimmer: None

Chiller: Hailea HC-300A

Dosing: None

Phosphate Reactor: None

Calcium Reactor: None

Nitrate Reactor: None

Sump: 48" x 18" x 18"

Sump Lighting: 20 x 3W DIY Bridgelux LEDs from AquaStyle

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U can try AM or Pinnicle

Thanks bro :)

Display Tank: 48" x 18" x 24"

Lighting: 92 x 3W DIY Bridgelux LEDs from AquaStyle

Return Pump: Hailea HX-6830

Circulation Pump: AquaOne Maxi 102

Skimmer: None

Chiller: Hailea HC-300A

Dosing: None

Phosphate Reactor: None

Calcium Reactor: None

Nitrate Reactor: None

Sump: 48" x 18" x 18"

Sump Lighting: 20 x 3W DIY Bridgelux LEDs from AquaStyle

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Updates at fish channel

Cirrhilabrus jordani (Flame Wrasse) Male ( feeding pellet)

Centropyge loriculus (Flame Angel) Large size

Centropyge multicolor(multicolor Angel) last 2 pcs nice size and feeding on pellet

Holacanthus passer (Passer angel) SM, ML. Very nice coloration and broad body.

Pomacanthus paru (French angel) M

C. septentrionalis (Blue line angel) M wild caught!

Ctenochaetus strigosus (Yellow eye Kole Tang) S last pc

Neocirrhites armatus (Flame Hawk) last pc feeding on pellet

Hybrid Queen Angel (XL) See it "live" in Fish Carnival at IMM from 7-9 Dec

Emperor Angel (XL)

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