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finally starting my 5ft fowlr, some advise needed

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Hi folks

Apology for the lengthy thread. Need some advise here by brudders. Pls take yr time to read thru and appreciates all comments and advise.

After being unable to sell off my 5ft to start a 2ft cube fowlr, finally decided to convert my FW 5ft to fowlr. After reading for years and months in SRC, there is still so much to learn. Need some advise from the reefing community here.

current tankset - 5ft x 27 inch x 27 inch.

Glass - 12mm.

Tankmaker - N30.

Sump - 4ft x 2ft

Equipments in mind to have - (shld b sufficient for fowlr)

1) Protein skimmer - Tunze 9015 comline DOC skimmer - up to 380 gallons. (Already reserved from a bro)

Should be more than enugh.

2) 4ft LED light

3) UV

4) DIY algae scrubber for algae growth at a concentrated area, at the same time - to reduce nitrates

5) wave maker (currently have a under power Seio 3200)

LR - looking at 30-50 kg. Hoping its enough to create biological filtration effect yet to create more swim area for the LS, mainly angels.

Sandbed - Dilema. There is much threads on BB or DSB etc. but i prefer clean look with BB and easy to siphon but worry about falling LRs. Dun like the idea of gluing them together though. Need advise from brothers here. Am thinking of getting a 5mm thick transparent or black acrylic sheet to act as cushion for LR when they falls. Advisable?


10 % Water change every fortnight or at least/ monthly

Distilled water for top-up weekly depending on evapouration rates.

Am thinking for Fowlr, whether its really worth to invest in the DI stage 1 or RO/DI unit.

Once starting the tank, will get irwana for NSW delivery for cycling with LRs. Same traditional method of prawn cycling and monitor the ANN process, not to mention the basic tests.

Once done - change 20% of tank water with salt mix water before adding in LS.

Will be getting a blue drum to aerate salt mix water for fortnightly WC.

hope i have covered majority of the required knowledge.

Brudders, pls advise me more and btw, any kakis residing in fernvale?

5ft x 27 x 27 FOWLR


Tunze DOC 9006 DOC protein skimmer

Aquazonic 9w UV


1 x Emperor

1 x Koran

1 x 6 Bars

1 x Gray

1 x niger trigger

1 x Picasso Trigger

2 x Orange skunk clowns

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Use cable tie to build secure and stable LR structure

Thank bro.

Erm, the cable ties will look unsightly? sounds ideal too and affordable. unless drill holes and insert the cable ties in?

5ft x 27 x 27 FOWLR


Tunze DOC 9006 DOC protein skimmer

Aquazonic 9w UV


1 x Emperor

1 x Koran

1 x 6 Bars

1 x Gray

1 x niger trigger

1 x Picasso Trigger

2 x Orange skunk clowns

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Managing wiring and power point identification will be good....

Hi Jai

u mean the sockets and plug? i have 4 point extension wires the the top of the tank used for wave maker, lightings and another extension wires inside the cabinet for the skimmer and uv and pumps. Should be ok right? noticed most bro do not have covers for the extension wire. Do i need to have it covered in case of salt spray and salt settling on the wires due to evaporation?

5ft x 27 x 27 FOWLR


Tunze DOC 9006 DOC protein skimmer

Aquazonic 9w UV


1 x Emperor

1 x Koran

1 x 6 Bars

1 x Gray

1 x niger trigger

1 x Picasso Trigger

2 x Orange skunk clowns

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Thank bro.

Erm, the cable ties will look unsightly? sounds ideal too and affordable. unless drill holes and insert the cable ties in?

Yes, best if you do outside the tank and find strategic position so as to minimize the exposure of cable tire, drill if necessary

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Don't go for a deep sand bed as if the need arises one day for copper treatment, all the living organisms inside will be killed.

Maybe u can consider running bio palet instead.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

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Thanks bro. Considered Bio palet b4 but due to more constraint budget for the time being, im getting the really necessary items first and add or upgrade as i goes along. Its a good to have but not a must, skimmer is a must. May need to choose between UV and bio palet in future.

Will be clearing my FW livestocks this evening, and collecting my skimmer and LRs. Really need to plan well, between the setting up, work and other committments.

Cannot give OC chance to nag, if not, life will not be smooth in future..haha

5ft x 27 x 27 FOWLR


Tunze DOC 9006 DOC protein skimmer

Aquazonic 9w UV


1 x Emperor

1 x Koran

1 x 6 Bars

1 x Gray

1 x niger trigger

1 x Picasso Trigger

2 x Orange skunk clowns

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Need to do a proper cycling process else the survivor rate will be low.

Thanks bro. Yup, collected my LR and skimmer and cleared my FW tank. Will flush my tank tomolo nite and add a layer of acrylic base to cushion the LR. Will be checking with irwana for NSW delivery. Gosh. 5ft- dunno how much it cost.

Will post more updates.

5ft x 27 x 27 FOWLR


Tunze DOC 9006 DOC protein skimmer

Aquazonic 9w UV


1 x Emperor

1 x Koran

1 x 6 Bars

1 x Gray

1 x niger trigger

1 x Picasso Trigger

2 x Orange skunk clowns

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i think patience is the key to success!

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  • 2 weeks later...


10 Dec - arrival of NSW

11 Dec - Added in 2 pcs of MP after backbreaking rockscaping.

15 Dec - check on the MP. eeks....

5ft x 27 x 27 FOWLR


Tunze DOC 9006 DOC protein skimmer

Aquazonic 9w UV


1 x Emperor

1 x Koran

1 x 6 Bars

1 x Gray

1 x niger trigger

1 x Picasso Trigger

2 x Orange skunk clowns

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I see that you are using a lot of small pcs of live rock, do consider using bigger of live rock if there is a chance to rescale in future, it will look more natural imo. Try to have more open cave for the fish to swim around ,it will help to reduce aggression in a FOWLR tank.

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I see that you are using a lot of small pcs of live rock, do consider using bigger of live rock if there is a chance to rescale in future, it will look more natural imo. Try to have more open cave for the fish to swim around ,it will help to reduce aggression in a FOWLR tank.

Thanks bro. Will heed yr advise. Already placed 2 pcs of 3mm acrylic sheets underneath the small LRs. Have reserved another 20 kg of LRs from another brudder and will collect in a couple of weeks time due to my busy schedule.

Will remove most small rocks to my sump, and place the bigger rocks in when they arrived. Intend to create more hiding places as well as hideouts for the LS in future too.

Really bad at scaping..haiz... let me plan the scape again..when the bigger rocks arrive.. if not got to epoxy them together le... dread taking them out and rescape again though...want to minimise floor area used as i want a clean bottom.

5ft x 27 x 27 FOWLR


Tunze DOC 9006 DOC protein skimmer

Aquazonic 9w UV


1 x Emperor

1 x Koran

1 x 6 Bars

1 x Gray

1 x niger trigger

1 x Picasso Trigger

2 x Orange skunk clowns

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  • SRC Member

any chance of having a quarantine tank bro since you're gona keep mostly angelfishes?

or you're gona treat the tank directly if touch wood, ich and whatever parasites starts to appear?

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any chance of having a quarantine tank bro since you're gona keep mostly angelfishes?

or you're gona treat the tank directly if touch wood, ich and whatever parasites starts to appear?

Hi bro

i have standby a 1.5ft tank for QT in case, but for the first batch (Looking at 2 angels and cleaner shrimps), will go directly inside first. As im not in a hurry, i will be replacing some bigger LRs in and shifting the smaller ones into the sump, need some advise here.

Is it better to place another mp to cycle together with the new LRs or i can change 30% water and add in the angels. The current LRs that i had cycled in my tank will still be in my sump tank, although i have not tested the ANN yet, but i believe, the cycle had been kickstart.

Also, im looking at 1 each of emperor, blueface, french, King, Queen and majestic. Anyone can advise, which should go in first? The fiercest and smallest right? Am i right in this sequence - 1- Queen, King, french, blueface, emperor and lastly majestic?

5ft x 27 x 27 FOWLR


Tunze DOC 9006 DOC protein skimmer

Aquazonic 9w UV


1 x Emperor

1 x Koran

1 x 6 Bars

1 x Gray

1 x niger trigger

1 x Picasso Trigger

2 x Orange skunk clowns

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  • SRC Member

read that you are getting the LRs from a bro here. if the LRs are still in his running tank when you collect it, just place it in and wait a few days as there will be a mini cycle due to some die offs while transporting it back home. once ANN all clear, water change and in goes your first angel.

if its dried LRs, which essentially is dead rocks, adding MP alongside dosages of bacteria would be good to allow bacteria to colonise the big rocks first.

either way, if you're not quarantining the first two angels, a freshwater dip before placing them in the tank would be good.

with regards to stocking sequence, just my two cents, the smallest and most timid one among your angelfish list should go in first to allow it to settle down and feed comfortably without being harassed by fiercer tank mates. that said, king should go in last. maybe more experienced bros can chip in here.

oh yeah, stock slowly and happy reefing. will be taggi


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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Don't know why can't edit my previous post,anyways, ill be tagging along for more updates.

All the best of luck! :)

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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Don't know why can't edit my previous post,anyways, ill be tagging along for more updates.

All the best of luck! :)

Hmm. Yup, thanks so much bro n bros. Lots of advise in SRC n great bros sharing.

Will most prob settle my LRs n test n W.C and only starts scouting for angels in Jan.

Any bros here can advise the sequence of angels addition into the tank?

5ft x 27 x 27 FOWLR


Tunze DOC 9006 DOC protein skimmer

Aquazonic 9w UV


1 x Emperor

1 x Koran

1 x 6 Bars

1 x Gray

1 x niger trigger

1 x Picasso Trigger

2 x Orange skunk clowns

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  • SRC Member

standby copper and copper testkit, and also prazi. for angels, without treating them before u put them in main tank, u will regret big time.

1.5ft QT is pretty small for angel but then if u getting those smaller than 3" it should still be ok. if u going for adult size angel, confirm not big enough.

sequence of angel will depend on their size also. add from smallest to biggest.

queen and king will have to be the last 2 to go in.

if possible get 2 or 3 more powerful wavemaker. it will help your angels

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that said, you can leave a couple of sponge in your sump with high flow area to culture bacteria so whenever you need to treat incoming or sick fish, you have a viable bacteria source of filtration in your QT, if you are not plannin to have a cycled QT.

to give a definitive opinion on stocking sequence, blueface->majestic->emperor->queen->king

bro, highly recommend you drop by Fish Channel to see their display angel fowlr tank. they also stock the fishes in your list regularly and the friendly boss also an angel mad person.

cheers and good day to you.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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tEc' timestamp='1355979603' post='1080290']

standby copper and copper testkit, and also prazi. for angels, without treating them before u put them in main tank, u will regret big time.

1.5ft QT is pretty small for angel but then if u getting those smaller than 3" it should still be ok. if u going for adult size angel, confirm not big enough.

sequence of angel will depend on their size also. add from smallest to biggest.

queen and king will have to be the last 2 to go in.

if possible get 2 or 3 more powerful wavemaker. it will help your angels

Thanks bro for the knowledge. Able to advise, if without treating them and in they enter the tank, what will be the risk? Im thinking of freshwater dippy but not sure if 2min is ok?

Are looking around for a suitable wave maker, any recommendation? Some say to go with 10k, some say to be with 12k...for 5ft tank.

5ft x 27 x 27 FOWLR


Tunze DOC 9006 DOC protein skimmer

Aquazonic 9w UV


1 x Emperor

1 x Koran

1 x 6 Bars

1 x Gray

1 x niger trigger

1 x Picasso Trigger

2 x Orange skunk clowns

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that said, you can leave a couple of sponge in your sump with high flow area to culture bacteria so whenever you need to treat incoming or sick fish, you have a viable bacteria source of filtration in your QT, if you are not plannin to have a cycled QT.

to give a definitive opinion on stocking sequence, blueface->majestic->emperor->queen->king

bro, highly recommend you drop by Fish Channel to see their display angel fowlr tank. they also stock the fishes in your list regularly and the friendly boss also an angel mad person.

cheers and good day to you.

Thanks bro. Fish channel...hmmm.. gd idea! Will drop by to get some advise too..as well as to see look see look their equipments and setup. Right now, not yet comfortable to place LS in.... let me go ard kaypo a bit first...

appreciates all the comments and advise given by bros here in SRC

5ft x 27 x 27 FOWLR


Tunze DOC 9006 DOC protein skimmer

Aquazonic 9w UV


1 x Emperor

1 x Koran

1 x 6 Bars

1 x Gray

1 x niger trigger

1 x Picasso Trigger

2 x Orange skunk clowns

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all

Kindly advise

Did a test today

1) Nitrite (No2) - 0

2) Nitrate (No3) - 0

3) PH- 7.5 - 8

4) KH- 0 - 120

5) GH- 120 - 180

Pls advise if the water parameters are fine for fowlr.

Til date, have caught out 1 pompom crab and 1 unknown shrimp, both living in my sump now.

Have perform 2 x 10% water change. First time with Irwana nsw, 2nd change is salt mix.

Have added in 2 x sunsun wave maker (5000l/hr)

5ft x 27 x 27 FOWLR


Tunze DOC 9006 DOC protein skimmer

Aquazonic 9w UV


1 x Emperor

1 x Koran

1 x 6 Bars

1 x Gray

1 x niger trigger

1 x Picasso Trigger

2 x Orange skunk clowns

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