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Corals for non-chiller tanks

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Initially, just wanted to keep a FOWLR tank. However, Coral Temptation got the best of me. So went and bought some buttons and mushrooms (since they’re the easiest to keep for a start) Besides these two, are there any other types of "corals" I can keep in a non-chiller tank? My tank’s temp averages between 26.4 (cool nights) to 28 (normal).

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  • SRC Member

soft corals don't need much light too. Just keep your water parameters stable and good. Also feed them properly and reserach on each sopfties needs. Dun worry about lights or chilelr. No need MH for softies. they are found in the deeper areas of a reef dun really need much light.

Live and Let Live

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  • SRC Member
corals are very nice and the temptation is jaz irresistable but got to choose correctly and also lighting play a big part let use know wat light u using?

If you're only planning to keep softies, lighting isn't really much of an issue. however if you plan on going to hard corals, I would suggest you get PL, t5 or MH. Give us a rough idea on what you are planning on keeping pls. and we can advise you.

Live and Let Live

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Keeping corals n fish at 28 degrees has it drawbacks...as metabolic rates of the livestock will increase...leading to more metabolic waste.

You CAN keep them at this temperature. Provided you keep stocking levels within range and you get an efficient protein skimmer to remove wastes before they start to break down.

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

indeed. If I'm not wrong, 1 degree celcius increase in temperature towards an enzyme's optimum temperature will make it 10 times as efficient. for example if an enzyme works best in 35degrees celcius, increasing temperature from 25 to 26 will make it ten times as efficient.

Am I right? Might have remembered wrongly. But I think it's like this.

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Yea...think that's the way it works.

Actually if you can keep water parameters in near perfect condition, a temperature of 28 degrees celcius can actually achieve faster growth rates for corals.

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

yep yep. faster enzymatic activity means faster assimilation of food substances. means faster access to energy and raw materials for growth. But Livestock would produce more bioload too. Which might deteriorate your corals' health. Keep Bioload in check and everything should be fine.

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  • SRC Member

well infact more LPS those hard coral/ software coral can live under gd enough PL lighting..or best T5..

as for temp since u r using PL, PC or T5 you can go without chiller so long your temp is not hitting 30 degree will do.

like what most do.. add fan to help cool down lor..

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Just one T8.. coz there's only one tube holder at the moment. My tank comes with a cabinet plus hood. LFS guy said light was enough at the time of purchase. And guess what light it was that he gave? One of those dim pink lights! Should have participated in this forum earlier!! Man..

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  • SRC Member
PL is as good if not better than t5. dunno why people stigmatise t5 as a superior form of lighting. Their PAR(Photosynthethic available Radiation) are very similar.

T5 and PL PAR similar? Their penetration levels alone are different right?

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