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Coral Glue.....or coral sp??


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Anyone currently using the current batch of CG? Any feed back on the current batch? Having very negative response from the current batch!

The very first batch was awesome! Glued and set frags in mins! Don't know what the FREAKING wrong w this current batch!


Can't freaking glue frags and colonies!!! Wasted 1/4 just to stick a palm sized colony!!

Wrote a feedback, they better reply ASAP! Freaking MFSOB!

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Yup i heard the same feedback from some of the reefer also. Now change to 2 little fishes coral glue, so far so good.

5x2.5x1.5ft Rimless Dream Tank (06/03/12)
Skimmer - Reefoctupus

Return Pump - 1 x Eheim 1264, 1 x water blaster 7k
Wavemaker - 2 x mp40es
Chiller - Daikin compressor with coil drop in
Lighting - 4 x 80w T5 Pair 1(6hrs23/12/12),Pair 2(16/06/12312hrs 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (1/3/12) -(15/11/12)6hrs and 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (13/10/12) -6hrs)
Reactor - Dosing pump (01/01/11)

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  • SRC Member

Anyone currently using the current batch of CG? Any feed back on the current batch? Having very negative response from the current batch!

The very first batch was awesome! Glued and set frags in mins! Don't know what the FREAKING wrong w this current batch!


Can't freaking glue frags and colonies!!! Wasted 1/4 just to stick a palm sized colony!!

Wrote a feedback, they better reply ASAP! Freaking MFSOB!

Bring back to the shop and get an exchange. i did that.. i bought mine that cant even attach anything. I pressed 4 times of glue n it doesnt stick. The next one exchanged was better.. but i cant deny that the quality had somehow changed compare to the ones that came in on the 1st patch.

Tank Theme: Mixed Reef with clams

3 feet tank with IOS

Eheim 1262

K3 wavemaker x1

Lightings: T5 actinic blue x4 , T5 white x4

Skimmer: BMQQ

Artica 1/5

Dosing: NA


Reefing is sharing. People with rotten mouth is sure a loser for life as expected. When a tomato gets rotten, you can nvr save it.. Throw it away before it infect the good ones.

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  • SRC Member

Hmm.. Which coral glue is this?

Ecotech coral glue.

Tank Theme: Mixed Reef with clams

3 feet tank with IOS

Eheim 1262

K3 wavemaker x1

Lightings: T5 actinic blue x4 , T5 white x4

Skimmer: BMQQ

Artica 1/5

Dosing: NA


Reefing is sharing. People with rotten mouth is sure a loser for life as expected. When a tomato gets rotten, you can nvr save it.. Throw it away before it infect the good ones.

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Did the exchange, this is the 2nd bottle, I can't be going down to exchange every bottle that can't stick but my middle finger!!

Maybe they should rename it to E-kor-teh Glue

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Ok. I used this glue 3 bottles before..I just gave up after taking measures to prevent the cap from hardening but it sti does. Not sure which batch was mine but I had the same problem. Couldnt stick well. So bought epoxy and bsi. tot it was my rock based or what..If only this posting was earlier then I could have change..

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But 1 thing for sure.. it cant beat the 1st batch which came out the 1st time.. Really show alot difference even i xhange for the next bottle. Not so sticky as before.. but must make sure the rock surface is sticking with glue 1st if not it will not stick together with thr frag.

Tank Theme: Mixed Reef with clams

3 feet tank with IOS

Eheim 1262

K3 wavemaker x1

Lightings: T5 actinic blue x4 , T5 white x4

Skimmer: BMQQ

Artica 1/5

Dosing: NA


Reefing is sharing. People with rotten mouth is sure a loser for life as expected. When a tomato gets rotten, you can nvr save it.. Throw it away before it infect the good ones.

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Did the exchange, this is the 2nd bottle, I can't be going down to exchange every bottle that can't stick but my middle finger!!

Maybe they should rename it to E-kor-teh Glue

Thats their quality issues.. we will keep on returning back.. that time it was some color difference.. it affected the quality.. bring rocks n cup to toliet and test it on spot..

Tank Theme: Mixed Reef with clams

3 feet tank with IOS

Eheim 1262

K3 wavemaker x1

Lightings: T5 actinic blue x4 , T5 white x4

Skimmer: BMQQ

Artica 1/5

Dosing: NA


Reefing is sharing. People with rotten mouth is sure a loser for life as expected. When a tomato gets rotten, you can nvr save it.. Throw it away before it infect the good ones.

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Even the 1st batch I bought...the stickiness quality drop once it reach 1/4 bottle and also produce a layer of cloudy slim when you put the frag in the DT.

Will not buy it again once it use up..


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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