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New sickness


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  • SRC Member

according to Dr. Spade (self-proclaimed :lol: ), there is a new disease spreading pretty badly in this forum. It's called MAD (Marine Affection Disorder). the following are some symptoms and measures for u to check for urself. (like those breast test :wub: sorry ladies :P ).

1. The total lenght of ur tank is higher than u

2. u got more than 1 tank

3. u sleep near the tank

4. u wish u work near the tank

5. u know the scientific name of the fish/coral, but u can't remember the last person's name that u met

6. u spent more time looking at the tank than at ur spouse/gf/bf (ooops this is sensitive issues)

7. u believe human evolved from fish/coral

8. u got more vitamin supplements for ur tank than for urself (that's y u r sick :lol: )

9. u know the nearby LFS but dunno how to get to the nearest clinic

10. u r mumbling "my precious ..." while u cleaning the tank :lol:

treament plan is in next post ... akan datang B)

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Dr Spade... there are some more sick than others... you know who!


Okie... i am checking myself in... where's the nearest reefer rehabilitation centre for Reefers Anonymous meetings?

"Hi... I am AT... and I am a mad reefer..." :lol:

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More symptoms have been discovered:

1. Having a sump installed first, and then cycling and stocking it before the main tank comes online.

2. Walking or taking public transport to work but not hesitating to take a cab even during peak hours to rush to LFS upon hearing of new stock arrivals.

3. Refusing to go to a gym for exercise but willing to carry kilos of salt, LR and moving litres of water around without complaint.

4. Able to spot little creatures like pods in an instant but not able to find where you last left your handphone in the house.

5. You make visits to check out LFS and public aquariums when you are overseas on holidays or work.

6. You watch Nat Geo only for the marine documentaries, once you see apes or lions, you switch off and walk to your reef tank.

7. You feel immense pride from the 'woahs' from visitors admiring your reef tank but feel shame when other hobbyists who came over spotted a patch of cyano on your sand or see a dead snail or notice your fish have ich.

8. You find lots of excuses why money spent on a reef tank is much more well spent than on a bigger diamond ring for your wife.

9. You surf reef-related sites more often now than ######. :)

10. You are entirely guilty of all the above. :P

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  • SRC Member

Dr Spade will do comparison between the 2 sick specimen, one named after a fish AT and one who phsyco a bus driver to SPS, Phang. :lol::lol::lol:

1. both got >= 5ft tank

2. both started/starting to culture plankton. clone fishes/coral later

3. both converted a bedroom to underwater world

4. both seriously thinking of selling tickets for people to come and view

5. both thinking of redo-ing 1-4 again :lol:

oooh no ... i'm not suppose to humilate the boss :o

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Uhmm... I just got a call from Woodbridge...

We three have been called up for a psychiatric examination.



Just wait till the other reefers like Tanzy, Morgan, Robe, Hon etc start their mud-slinging or get slimed first!

Weeeeeee.... this is fun!

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  • SRC Member
Just wait till the other reefers like Tanzy, Morgan, Robe, Hon etc start their mud-slinging or get slimed first!

Weeeeeee.... this is fun!

Official Announcement.....

Would all MAD Reefers please come forth for their weekly dose of medication........

Especially Morgan and Hon..... Extra dosage....


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  • SRC Member

I'm staying out of this. My tank is far far away. I'm normal.


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Some more symptoms:

1) when at work cannot avoid thinking of reef tanks

2) when passing through a hardware shop selling pumps will stop and ask if they sell any mag drive pumps or look for stainless stell pump.

3) when going into lighting shops to look for houselights will search first for MH lamps

4) preaching and spreading the gospel of the art of reefkeeping to office colleagues

5) when paycheck comes think right away of setting aside money to buy corals or clams

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  • SRC Member

Ya, freaks all of you!

I'm normal, I just like to collect MH bulbs.


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Moderator's prerogative will be enforced.

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