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DIY 200,000 Litre Pond


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  • SRC Member

Just had a thought... and a few questions to ask:

1. Is this pond going to be a reef or fish only setup?

2. How do you intend to keep the water clear? I'm not sure if it applies to a SW pond, but those FW ponds are unable to see through the water (those who go prawning will know what I mean)

3. Care to share your equipment? Going for a 2 storey skimmer? :big_boss:

Sometimes the good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay. - Harvey Specter

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  • SRC Member

Good questions, here goes;

1. Is this pond going to be a reef or fish only setup?

We operate something called an Integrated Multi-Trophic Recirculating Aquaculture System or IMTRAS. So basically it's a planted marine setup with bivalves(mussels and clams). I'm currently waiting on some academic partners to see how different species of coral and sponges affect bacteria levels in the water. If anyone is interested in the research, let me know, I can just post it here.

2. How do you intend to keep the water clear?

The muck you see is actually the result of an imbalanced ecosystem. With the amount of plants we have in our system we've never really had a nitrate issue and the mussels are more than capable of filtering the water to keep it clear.

3. Care to share your equipment? Going for a 2 storey skimmer?

There's surprisingly little equipment involved in the operation. Because most of the work is done by biological agents, all we need to do is move 9,000,000 litres of water an hour. And to do that I'll have to build a paddle wheel(another DIY post). I have no idea whether or not we'll need a skimmer at this point, but if it comes to that it'll be powered by two 15,000 litre/hour Tsurumi TM2.4 pumps and two Tsurumi TLD-20R aerators. The contact chamber will probably just be a 2ft wide, 2m tall PVC pipe. Hopefully we can do without those though.

You can reach me at 98627310

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  • SRC Member

Very likely around Dec, but it depends on a lot of factors, one of my bigger investors just disappeared. We're in the process of legalising the crowdfunding to cover up for him. And as I mentioned, a lot of research still needs to be done regarding the paddlewheel and corals.

You can reach me at 98627310

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  • SRC Member

Interesting little tidbit of info from our NUS contacts:

As far as I know, corals and sponges don't feed on bacteria. The best bet will be burrowing worms but again I am not fully sure. One report suggested that thallaceans (related to salps) are efficient consumers, but this is based on dead individuals recovered from the seafloor (they are usually in the upper sea surface), and not verified by laboratory observations.

You can reach me at 98627310

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Definitely still going strong. Just in the process of finding a replacement for a shareholder and crowdfunding the project. If anyone's interested, add me on facebook. "Shannon Lim", look for the picture of me and my daughter in the pool. xnsdvd@gmail.com works too.

Should have some pictures of the retaining walls and floor being done in early July.

You can reach me at 98627310

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  • 3 weeks later...

So here's the good news I promised:


And this one is being built in the west side! Drop by Neo Tiew Lane 1 for a snorkel in a few months guys!

bro truly amazing!!!!!! never even thought about a 200,000 liter Marine pond!!!!! :score:

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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry to hear about your pond back at your place.

This might help you for your up and coming project

Wow...this one very solid :yeah: !


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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  • 1 month later...

any updates from brother? Pretty exciting and hope the construction went smoothly.. Its truely a saltwater safari man

5ft x 27 x 27 FOWLR


Tunze DOC 9006 DOC protein skimmer

Aquazonic 9w UV


1 x Emperor

1 x Koran

1 x 6 Bars

1 x Gray

1 x niger trigger

1 x Picasso Trigger

2 x Orange skunk clowns

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  • 1 month later...
  • SRC Member

Sorry for the delay guys, I've been busy. But can you guess what this stuff is for?


This is the site where I'm building my quarantine tanks. It used to be an old grouper hatchery, but the previous owner gave up after several failed batches. It's mine now!

I'm in the process of clearing out the debris and leveling the floor. There's actually a height difference of 37cm from one side of the property to the other.

You can reach me at 98627310

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  • 2 weeks later...

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