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DIY 200,000 Litre Pond


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Wow if this is a marine pool then it will be very impressive. :score:

5x2.5x1.5ft Rimless Dream Tank (06/03/12)
Skimmer - Reefoctupus

Return Pump - 1 x Eheim 1264, 1 x water blaster 7k
Wavemaker - 2 x mp40es
Chiller - Daikin compressor with coil drop in
Lighting - 4 x 80w T5 Pair 1(6hrs23/12/12),Pair 2(16/06/12312hrs 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (1/3/12) -(15/11/12)6hrs and 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (13/10/12) -6hrs)
Reactor - Dosing pump (01/01/11)

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I think it's fair to say I cheated a little with the rented excavator and the fact that I run a small construction company :P But yes, it's going to be a marine pond in a freehold property. It's incredibly cheap to build though, considering the volume.. cost under $30,000... a lot less than many of the big 8+ft tanks we see. And since I'm paying as i build, it's almost like I'm doing it in installments :P




If any experienced engineers are cringing at the last picture of the brickwork; Yes, I know it's an ugly job, that's why it's in the DIY section :( And my men were more interested in getting ready for Hari Raya than working in the hot sun.

You can reach me at 98627310

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Wa Piangzz!! this is the most exciting thread I ever seen!!

We want more pictures and tell us more on your equipment.... how u gonna keep the temperature down? How about rain?

2 Feet Tank: (Decom Feb 2015)
-Lightings : Pharos LED light 90W with wireless controller
-Chiller : Arctica 1/10HP with H2Ocean Flow Pump 2000

-Wavemaker : Vortech MP10ES
-Skimmer : Bubble Magus NAC 3.5

-Return Pump : Eheim Compact 3000
-Reactor – TLF150 (Mod) with NP Biopellet
-Reactor – TLF150 with Rowaphos

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if its gona be an open top, the evaporation rate would be nuts. :groupwavereversed:

more updates please.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like.

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Dig it deep enough to allow underground chilling needs..

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2

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Shanon, you trying to keep killer whale??? LOL Lets kopi when you free.

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Cant imagine how big the skimmer going to be. Imagine water change.. wooo.. how many red pails going fill up that giant pool..

Tank Theme: Mixed Reef with clams

3 feet tank with IOS

Eheim 1262

K3 wavemaker x1

Lightings: T5 actinic blue x4 , T5 white x4

Skimmer: BMQQ

Artica 1/5

Dosing: NA


Reefing is sharing. People with rotten mouth is sure a loser for life as expected. When a tomato gets rotten, you can nvr save it.. Throw it away before it infect the good ones.

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Just my luck, we're heading into the monsoon season as I'm trying to pour the concrete floor...


If anyone's wondering, the pond will be about 2.2m deep with 10 Tsurumi 50 TM 2.45(S)s moving 200,000 litres of water through 12.8m3 of crushed coral every hour for filtration. I know it's far too slow for most aquariums, but those 10 pumps will be drawing 4kWh. Which comes up to about $1/hr :(

I just ordered the 7 tons of salt required to bring the salinity to 35ppt. Again, it was quite cheap considering the amount. Less than $5000 for transport and customs clearance.

Some of the fish are already here in quarantine. The first batch will be going to the vet for a skin scrape and gill biopsy next week to see if they're parasite free. Here's a photo:


You can reach me at 98627310

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