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coral life salt


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Yes agree that the cover is very hard to open, and in the end I have to transfer all the salt over to my old DD bucket. The parameter of the salt is not constant, tested on two bucket before and achieve different kh and ca reading.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

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Yes agree that the cover is very hard to open, and in the end I have to transfer all the salt over to my old DD bucket. The parameter of the salt is not constant, tested on two bucket before and achieve different kh and ca reading.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

Hi Harlequin,

You mention inconsistent results, are those from Aquamarine recent shipment, or tested from other LFS corallife salt.

The ones AM is carrying is from China production thus the cheaper price, the one from ah beng was US or somewhere further, i have also buy 2 from AM but have not use it yet.

Hi Inwear

The ones from ah beng, seems to be doing ok for me, have been using them for at least 4 years. Salt alone would never suffice if you are keeping SPS. Then again it depends how often you change your water. I am keeping mainly softies, maybe not so much impact from the salt.

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Hi Harlequin,

You mention inconsistent results, are those from Aquamarine recent shipment, or tested from other LFS corallife salt.

The ones AM is carrying is from China production thus the cheaper price, the one from ah beng was US or somewhere further, i have also buy 2 from AM but have not use it yet.

Hi Inwear

The ones from ah beng, seems to be doing ok for me, have been using them for at least 4 years. Salt alone would never suffice if you are keeping SPS. Then again it depends how often you change your water. I am keeping mainly softies, maybe not so much impact from the salt.

i am keeping LPS...i give it a miss
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Hi Harlequin,

You mention inconsistent results, are those from Aquamarine recent shipment, or tested from other LFS corallife salt.

The ones AM is carrying is from China production thus the cheaper price, the one from ah beng was US or somewhere further, i have also buy 2 from AM but have not use it yet.

Hi Inwear

The ones from ah beng, seems to be doing ok for me, have been using them for at least 4 years. Salt alone would never suffice if you are keeping SPS. Then again it depends how often you change your water. I am keeping mainly softies, maybe not so much impact from the salt.

That was my salt I got from other lfs 2 year back ,so I cannot comment on the new batch maybe its different now.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

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