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  • SRC Member

hi folks~!

i hv a anemone in my tank now,bought it for 1mth,its was nice,lively,a veri good companion for my clowns,but recently it "shrink" itself,it wont spread itself out like lastime,this situation lasted for 2weeks liao,me quite worry abt it..

wat was e reason for it?

din eat enuff?

not enuff lightening?(me on my light normally at nite from 6pm to 11+pm)

thanz folks~!

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hi folks~!

i hv a anemone in my tank now,bought it for 1mth,its was nice,lively,a veri good companion for my clowns,but recently it "shrink" itself,it wont spread itself out like lastime,this situation lasted for 2weeks liao,me quite worry abt it..

wat was e reason for it?

din eat enuff?

not enuff lightening?(me on my light normally at nite from 6pm to 11+pm)

thanz folks~!

5 hours of lighting??? That's not enough for anything! Unless you have 1000 watters!

What's your water quality like?? :blink:

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  • SRC Member
I really hope you will do some homework first before consulting us.

For your livestock's sake!

What he really means is, do your homework or consult with the board before you purchase a livestock that you are not sure about or unknown to you. ;)


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  • SRC Member

do you chop your shrimp before feeding to the anemone? I used to mince the meat but found that it makes the water seems cloudy and smelly but after a few hours clear liao. Why is that so ?


i chop/cut/tear into smaller pieces b4 feeding to the anemone. i didn't mince it. it get cloudy due to the minced shrimp cocktail ?? :P

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  • SRC Member

i posted a similar question before. may be u can hv a look first :D

the anemone is still alive with me, except that it's still white ;) not as colorful as i bought it. I'm feeding it with shrimp meat bought from NTUC. 2-3 times a week. cos my lights are on the low side .... :P

I read a few books and sites regarding feeding of anemone.

And there were a range of pointers / views / opinions :blink::blink::blink:

Some say feed at least once a week, others once a mth, and still some say don't need feeding?!?!?

Er.. so which should i go?

I have only fed mine twice since i got it 2 mths back... Too little? too much?

The little guys hasn't changed much under my 150MH, the usual shrink then expand routine. My clown 2.5inch just adores it's 1 inch anemone!!! :o

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  • SRC Member

As a result of my mistake, 3 of my anemone died. However the remining 2 anemone start to grow actively when I introduced a Red/ Tomato Clown fish. The clown mixed around with the anemone. I also need to feed brimp brane twice a week and add some liquid calcium to the tank.

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  • SRC Member

wat wrong wif Undergravel filter?

it came in a package. i bought it at bukit timah(cos i live ard tt place)

found out this website accidentally when reading abt fish and found out lotsa mistaken i made.

Its e ppl from e shop "teach" me tt e lightening is nice enuff for everything and other stuffs,but after visiting here,i found out ppl there dun reely hv e knowledge abt fishes

As for water perimeter,hw to test?

me change my 30% of the water per mth.

lightenning cant support? wat kind of lighting shld i replace wif?

where to buy/hw much?

plz advise~

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Suggest that since you just started... pull out the UGF.

It doesn't work for marine tanks. Go read up on the links for beginners.

Get a filter canister instead, if you can't get a hangon overflow and sump.

You need to buy test kits to test water parameters.

Is your lights FL or PL? Lucky your tank is shallow.

Sometimes anemones don't ship very well/may have been injured.... yours could be doomed already.. but try providing good light and see if it sticks to something. If it is rolling around the tank... not good.

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  • SRC Member

I read a few books and sites regarding feeding of anemone.

And there were a range of pointers / views / opinions :blink::blink::blink:

Some say feed at least once a week, others once a mth, and still some say don't need feeding?!?!?

Er.. so which should i go?

I have only fed mine twice since i got it 2 mths back... Too little? too much?

The little guys hasn't changed much under my 150MH, the usual shrink then expand routine. My clown 2.5inch just adores it's 1 inch anemone!!! :o

IF the clownfish is too big for it the anemone will suffer. It will be bruised and knocked about.

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  • SRC Member

Clowns won't touch majano or cerianthus anemone. Some clowns are more specific to their host while some prefer corals to anemone.


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  • SRC Member
Do clowns host in any anemone? Is a rock anemone also considered a hosting type of anemone?

No, aiptasia are not hosters.

The clark's anemonefish Amphiprion clarkii is the most generalized clownfish and takes about all of the clownfish host anemones. Just a tidbit.

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You do know what a UGF is in the first place rite? It's not that green net. It should be plastic egg-crate/light diffuser-like, made of white plastic.

I really think you go and read some basics of marine keeping so you can fully understand what we are talking about.

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