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Help to understand skimmer

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  • SRC Member

Hi there

can someone shed some light on why certain skimmer, those power by power head one, need to have a steady water level in the sump before they can work well? These skimmer are in-sump ones, just don't understand. Any physician can help me understand? Thanks.


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  • SRC Member

Pardon the crude explanation, but I think that the sump water level is just like the water level a skimmer is kept at. If the level is too low the foam doesn't get into the cup, but if it is too high the waste produced is watery and not concentrated as much as we would like it to be (less efficient)

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  • SRC Member

I'm neither a physician nor am I a physicist. Just the average salted reefer.

The reason for a constant water level in the sump is because of head pressure. The water exiting the skimmer will have to push out against the water already in the sump and the water level in the sump determines the pressure. Nearly all good in-sump skimmers come with a gate valve for you to control the water at a constant level in the skimmer for effective and optimum foam production. If the water level in the sump changes, the head pressure on the water exiting the skimmer changes and the water level in the skimmer will also change.

To illustrate,

if the water level in the sump drops,

the head pressure at the valve falls,

it becomes easier for water to flows out of skimmer,

rate of water exiting skimmer exceeds that of rate of water entering skimmer,

more water goes out than coming in,

water level in skimmer drops until equilibrium is acheived.

It is not hard to see why a fluctuating sump water level resulting in a fluctuating skimmer water level can adversely interfere with good foam production.


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  • SRC Member


hows the performance of the H&S skimmer??? it looks alot like a euro reef though. but then again most of the german brand skimmers look like euroreef.

got pic of the crap its pulling out????

morgan using precision marine wan........damn chio...... :wub:

n tanzy is using etss :wub:

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sorry for being such a pest, so does the water level in the sump affect the H&S skimmer? :P


No, it doesn't. Water from a powerhead pumps water in and acts as a countercurrent against the venturi.

I will do a product review for my H&S Euroreef over the weekend.

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