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Diy zero tds water help!


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Hi.. I read some thread in this forum where some have success cycling tap water with active carbon and water softener to achieve 0 tds. My hse tap water is ard 76ppm.. After almost 2days of cycling the water, the tds shoot up to 105ppm now.. is there something im missing out? someone pls help me.

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  • SRC Member

Water softerner?? Its Activated Carbon and DI Resin....

Teh'sTankSetup Decomm on 18/8/2012

Tank: 2x1x1 Rimless Tank (Sumpless)

Lighting: Aquazonic 2x24watts T5 (Actinic x Sun White)

Moonlight: Acardia 1W Led Light (Blue)

Filter: ISTA Max Care Cannister

Skimmer: Bubble Magus E3

Chiller: Resun CL450 (Aquazonic Evo Pump)

Wave: Boyu WM-25

Commissioned 20/9/2012

Tank: 3x2x2.5

Lighting: 250w DeLighting MH/ 2x 39w Delighting Diy T5 ATI Blue Plus

Skimmer: H&S Skimmer Type 110-F2000

Chiller: CL450 (Aquazonic Evo Pump)

Return Pump: Eheim 1260

Reactor: D&D H2Ocean FMR 75 (ADA 1500 Pump)(Rowaphos)

Wavemaker: 2x SunSun Wavemaker (3000L)


Conch ll Basic

ATO System/Tunze Osmolator

Magic Marine 3CH Dosing Pump

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  • SRC Member

yes... can i ask what water softerner u refering to?

Teh'sTankSetup Decomm on 18/8/2012

Tank: 2x1x1 Rimless Tank (Sumpless)

Lighting: Aquazonic 2x24watts T5 (Actinic x Sun White)

Moonlight: Acardia 1W Led Light (Blue)

Filter: ISTA Max Care Cannister

Skimmer: Bubble Magus E3

Chiller: Resun CL450 (Aquazonic Evo Pump)

Wave: Boyu WM-25

Commissioned 20/9/2012

Tank: 3x2x2.5

Lighting: 250w DeLighting MH/ 2x 39w Delighting Diy T5 ATI Blue Plus

Skimmer: H&S Skimmer Type 110-F2000

Chiller: CL450 (Aquazonic Evo Pump)

Return Pump: Eheim 1260

Reactor: D&D H2Ocean FMR 75 (ADA 1500 Pump)(Rowaphos)

Wavemaker: 2x SunSun Wavemaker (3000L)


Conch ll Basic

ATO System/Tunze Osmolator

Magic Marine 3CH Dosing Pump

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  • SRC Member

lol... no... u just need DI resin n Activated Carbon to reduce TDS...

Teh'sTankSetup Decomm on 18/8/2012

Tank: 2x1x1 Rimless Tank (Sumpless)

Lighting: Aquazonic 2x24watts T5 (Actinic x Sun White)

Moonlight: Acardia 1W Led Light (Blue)

Filter: ISTA Max Care Cannister

Skimmer: Bubble Magus E3

Chiller: Resun CL450 (Aquazonic Evo Pump)

Wave: Boyu WM-25

Commissioned 20/9/2012

Tank: 3x2x2.5

Lighting: 250w DeLighting MH/ 2x 39w Delighting Diy T5 ATI Blue Plus

Skimmer: H&S Skimmer Type 110-F2000

Chiller: CL450 (Aquazonic Evo Pump)

Return Pump: Eheim 1260

Reactor: D&D H2Ocean FMR 75 (ADA 1500 Pump)(Rowaphos)

Wavemaker: 2x SunSun Wavemaker (3000L)


Conch ll Basic

ATO System/Tunze Osmolator

Magic Marine 3CH Dosing Pump

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  • SRC Member

It either AC or DI resin... What i know is AC removes odour.. i think... make a new post maybe some RODI experts can help u out, because from what i know is that RO/DI units has Carbon, DI Resin and a membrane.... its either one u need to check...

U may also want to check ur RO/DI water strorage tank/bin. Long term of keeping water in a tank/bin may end up with a fishy smell...

Teh'sTankSetup Decomm on 18/8/2012

Tank: 2x1x1 Rimless Tank (Sumpless)

Lighting: Aquazonic 2x24watts T5 (Actinic x Sun White)

Moonlight: Acardia 1W Led Light (Blue)

Filter: ISTA Max Care Cannister

Skimmer: Bubble Magus E3

Chiller: Resun CL450 (Aquazonic Evo Pump)

Wave: Boyu WM-25

Commissioned 20/9/2012

Tank: 3x2x2.5

Lighting: 250w DeLighting MH/ 2x 39w Delighting Diy T5 ATI Blue Plus

Skimmer: H&S Skimmer Type 110-F2000

Chiller: CL450 (Aquazonic Evo Pump)

Return Pump: Eheim 1260

Reactor: D&D H2Ocean FMR 75 (ADA 1500 Pump)(Rowaphos)

Wavemaker: 2x SunSun Wavemaker (3000L)


Conch ll Basic

ATO System/Tunze Osmolator

Magic Marine 3CH Dosing Pump

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  • SRC Member
sorry to hijack, anyone have experienced DI water smelling foul ?Recently my 3 stage treated DI water start smelling foul, did a search on the net and received mixed and contrasting information. Anyone had experience regarding this ?
It simply means the DI resin has exhausted. As my DIY DI unit is small, the resin gets exhausted after roughly 100L of water. The smell is like ammonia. TDS will not be at 0. I will just replace with fresh resin, and replace the water too (use for flush toilet and stuff), just to play safe. Till now, I've not even used up a third of the small $30 (3L) tub of resin. Note: My house tap water reads 90+ TDS before the treatment ( 30+ year old HDB pipes).
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  • SRC Member

sorry to hijack, anyone have experienced DI water smelling foul ?

Recently my 3 stage treated DI water start smelling foul, did a search on the net and received mixed and contrasting information.

Anyone had experience regarding this ?

yes and my tds gets around 30 - 40
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