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Use of polyfilters

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  • SRC Member

Hello everyone,

Just curious but does anyone out there use polyfilters? Apparently, the POLY-FILTER can absorb and adsorb contaminants and other toxic materials, is non-toxic and harmless to biological filtration because it allows a sufficient amount of ammonia to reach the biological filter in order to sustain the bacteria culture.

The Poly BioMarine website even states that, "BECAUSE OF THIS UNIQUE FILTERING CHARACTERISTIC, THE POLY-FILTER ELIMINATES THE NEED AND EXPENSE OF CARBON OR ION EXCHANGE RESINS AND PROTEIN SKIMMERS." It even lets you know what it's removing – blue for copper, green for ammonia, orange for iron, and when exhausted turns dark grey.

Wow, it is pretty expensive ($90 per sq ft) on Edmund's site but it seems a little goes a long way! if its that good, how many reefers out there resort to this procedure instead of the standard carbons and other impurities filter medium remover?

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  • SRC Member

from my experience...polyfilter helps delay water changes a bit but carbon and other filteration media should not be excluded. It's a good indicator for excessive medications in a tank like iron , copper and ammonia but it also absorbs other beneficial additives like strontium , trace elements etc. from your reef set up :D overall it's an extra piece of filteration media for those able to afford it.... :D

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  • SRC Member
shouldn't a good protein skimmer be the most cost effective solution in the long run?

Buy once and use until it die which might outlast your reef tank. Using all these filters need to always replace which cost more in the long run.

thats why if you have the $$$$ then it's an extra media to get....otherwise water changes are the best...he..he :D

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  • SRC Member

This is a reply i got from them when i first try bio filter:

Poly-Filter ® is not a micron rated filter medium instead it is a sorbent

medium. For the purposes of trapping particulate matter always place

a polyester fiber in front of Poly-Filter ® to trap particulate matter .

Poly-Filter ® sorbs : NH3 (ammonia), All types of Phosphorous (phosphates) ,

TOCs ( dissolved organic matter) , amino acids, proteins, lipoproteins, heavy

metals, volatile organic chemicals, pesticides/insecides, other organics wastes

produced by fishes & invertebrates, medications / disease treatments, tannins/

humic acids, discoloration, turbidity, collodial suspensions and other toxicolgical


Poly-Filter ® does not sorb : calcium, magnesium, strontium (hardness) or

carbonates, bicarbonates & hydroxides ( alkalinity) , trace elements out of

marine salt mixes or simple silicates.

Poly-Filter ® as sold for aquarium and pet water filtration is manufacturered for aquaria, zoological appilications and veterinary usage. The standards

for drinking water in Japan, USA & EC require a different extraction

procedure for drinking water. We offer a modified Poly-Filter ® in a disc

form in the first stage of our Kold Ster-il ® filtation system . This filter

system and the specially modified Poly-Filter ® discs meet all drinking

water standards in the USA, JAPAN & the EC . However, these Poly-Filter ®

discs are sold only with two other filtration medium as part of the three

filter media required by the Kold Ster-il ® System. In addition, these

modified Poly-Filter ® discs are packaged wet ( only) in sterile, double

distilled water.

Poly-Bio-Marine,Inc.® www.poly-bio-marine.com

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  • SRC Member

IMO, polyfilter is a great product..... i m not really those kind of person who test all the minerals in my water... but amazing... these polyfilter absorbs all kind of stuff into it... i used em both in freshwater n saltwater... u can go try em..n take alook at em after a few days... amazing 'trapping' abilities...

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