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Bubble Magus - NAC7 vs Curve7


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I'm setting up a new 3x2x2 tank, and am currently deciding on which skimmer to order. Initially, I had my mind set on the BM NAC7 after reading many good reviews about it. However, when chatting with Razali about the skimmer, he mentioned the Curve7 skimmer as well. Since both are at the same price point, I'm not really sure which to get. NAC7 uses Atman pump (easy to replace if got problems), but the Curve7 is a newer design and rated for bigger tanks.

Would just like to check if anyone is able to offer some advice to me to help me make my decision :)

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im using curve 7. very productive

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2

Tank Size: 42” x 18” x 12/18” (4 side and centre use Crystal Clear Glass)
Sump: 36” x 15” x 15/20”
Return Pump: Reef Octopus Diablo DC 10000
Skimz SM 201
Wavemaker: 2 X VorTech MP10ES Propeller Pump
Chemical Filtration: 2 X H2 Ocean FMR75 Fluidised Reactor(Rowa & Chemi Pure Elite), Enductor Fluidized Reactor- FR30 (biopellets) with
Tesino GP-231 Amphibious Pump
Bio Media: Bacteria King - 10 Litres
Chiller: JBJ Arctica Titanium Aquarium Chiller (1/4 Hp - DBE-200)
Lighting: ATI Sunpower 6 x 39 Watt T5

(Blue+ Blue+ Purple+ Coral+ Actinic Blue+) (9hrs)

Auto TopUp system: JBJ ATO

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Nac7 when new very good but you will face a problem to find the impeller replacement when they start to age after 8 month of continues run 24/7. I end up need to order the mesh from hong kong and DIY myself.The atman pump also create vibration when they age.its better to find some skimmer with reliable pump and replacement part are easily to find

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