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My first support in the coming nano competition


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  • SRC Member

To be honest, when I first received Gouldian's invitation for the nano competition, I straight away said NO to him, In my mind it's just impossible for my to start another nano tank with my current new 6ft reef tank still doing fine tuning. Further more, been a slow learner like me, my standard of reefing will never qualify in any competition like this. But after listening to some encouragement from a friend in SRC, my self-confidence increase and finally decided to take part. Well, It really not so much to win a prize but to have fun and make more friends with the same hobby.

Here, I want to give special thanks to the organizer who spend so much time in planning this competition, also giving the participants at least two months in advance to do the preparation, I can say is more than enough actually. So, I think is good for me to give some thoughts start from today as well as set-up a thread like this to record down my idea and journey in this competition.

Thanks for reading and I shall continue the next page tomorrow. :)

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3 cheers, hip hip hooray. Your treasures are going to appear in public, must get escort and gunman, preferably 24x7.

I thought u had agreed to be my gunman for 24/7? u very important lah.

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Always very early bird and mid-night-cat nowadays dealing with my new 6ft reef tank, hope that I still manageable to commit in this nano set-up.

Okay, let's look at the black&white for what I suppose to follow... bababa... Theme: "To set-up a sustainable salt-water aquarium base on the above equipments." bababa...

Wow, look like very easy but actually NOT, must becareful with the word "sustainable" and "above equipments"... Don't play play yap, don't think that just sand bed and few pcs of rocks with one anemone and a pair of clownfish with fulfill the given word "sustainable", u will make the tank manufacturer "lao kui". So, beside "sustainable" what is my sub-theme??? think think think... only during "freeman" situation like me can sit down and think about the "reefing equation".

Let's look at the tank first... JBJ 28G Nano Tank Complete Set MT-603-LED



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Good! Since reefing always a rich man's hobby, athough i am not one.

Tank Theme: Mixed Reef with clams

3 feet tank with IOS

Eheim 1262

K3 wavemaker x1

Lightings: T5 actinic blue x4 , T5 white x4

Skimmer: BMQQ

Artica 1/5

Dosing: NA


Reefing is sharing. People with rotten mouth is sure a loser for life as expected. When a tomato gets rotten, you can nvr save it.. Throw it away before it infect the good ones.

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Reefing is about good husbandry, commitment and hardwork. It's not always who got more $$$, although it can buy you nice fishes or corals. If not well taken care of as above, it is still a buried ground for the live stocks.

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  • SRC Member

Reefing is about good husbandry, commitment and hardwork. It's not always who got more $$$, although it can buy you nice fishes or corals. If not well taken care of as above, it is still a buried ground for the live stocks.

True agreed.

Tank Theme: Mixed Reef with clams

3 feet tank with IOS

Eheim 1262

K3 wavemaker x1

Lightings: T5 actinic blue x4 , T5 white x4

Skimmer: BMQQ

Artica 1/5

Dosing: NA


Reefing is sharing. People with rotten mouth is sure a loser for life as expected. When a tomato gets rotten, you can nvr save it.. Throw it away before it infect the good ones.

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Okay, after so much think think think finally got something in mind for what I want, so first stock collection this morning from pasir ris farm, few items of softies already cost me $75, busy washing up and frag frag frag, temporary put them in the cage for further work to continue...



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  • SRC Member

Wah bro.. U cut until chui chui..

Tank Theme: Mixed Reef with clams

3 feet tank with IOS

Eheim 1262

K3 wavemaker x1

Lightings: T5 actinic blue x4 , T5 white x4

Skimmer: BMQQ

Artica 1/5

Dosing: NA


Reefing is sharing. People with rotten mouth is sure a loser for life as expected. When a tomato gets rotten, you can nvr save it.. Throw it away before it infect the good ones.

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Wow.. U got so many cannon in the water.. When can start live firing exerise? Wear ur ear plugs..

Tank Theme: Mixed Reef with clams

3 feet tank with IOS

Eheim 1262

K3 wavemaker x1

Lightings: T5 actinic blue x4 , T5 white x4

Skimmer: BMQQ

Artica 1/5

Dosing: NA


Reefing is sharing. People with rotten mouth is sure a loser for life as expected. When a tomato gets rotten, you can nvr save it.. Throw it away before it infect the good ones.

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I am getting excited too. Too bad cannot participate. :cheers:

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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Need to do my milestone plan base on the given dates below:

*06/12 9pm - Bench-in

*08/12 - Judging

*09/12 - Prize Presentation

*09/12 9pm Bench-out

Venue: IMM Garden Terrace

Wow, is really far for me, how to bring my stuff there, must discuss with my assistant liao... bench-in at 9pm on the 6th??? So late? Why no earlier, so we can have longer time to set-up and back early to sleep? :o

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  • SRC TOTQ Winner

Hey peong. Why don't you do a seahorse tank since you are the expert in this? Would love to partner you if you did a seahorse tank so can learn from you.

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Need to do my milestone plan base on the given dates below:

*06/12 9pm - Bench-in

*08/12 - Judging

*09/12 - Prize Presentation

*09/12 9pm Bench-out

Venue: IMM Garden Terrace

Wow, is really far for me, how to bring my stuff there, must discuss with my assistant liao... bench-in at 9pm on the 6th??? So late? Why no earlier, so we can have longer time to set-up and back early to sleep? :o

Hi Peong,

6/12 9pm is the official bench-in. This is when initial set-up is done such as electrical wiring, marking of compound and also moving-in of larger items.

I would suggest your kind bench-in on 07/12 before 10am after the above is done.


"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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UEN: T08SS0098F
Please visit us here: http://www.facebook....uaristSocietySG
Facebook Group: http://www.facebook....gid=34281892381

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Hey peong. Why don't you do a seahorse tank since you are the expert in this? Would love to partner you if you did a seahorse tank so can learn from you.

Partner with me a sh tank? haha... r u pulling my leg? so outstanding... and no attractive source avail in the market now. :)

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  • SRC Member

Hi Peong,

6/12 9pm is the official bench-in. This is when initial set-up is done such as electrical wiring, marking of compound and also moving-in of larger items.

I would suggest your kind bench-in on 07/12 before 10am after the above is done.


Noted with thanks :)

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