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Reefing Diary ~~~


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In the end came back to reefing once again. Love this hobby too much.

Due to work and family started a Skimz iBOX Nano recently "the bigger size one". Size of the tank is around 1ft cube with internal overflow.

Using the return pump provided by Skimz.

Changed the LED to LumenAqua Mini 30. 1 full blue and 1 mixed.

This time round no using of skimmer.

After adding water and liverocks........ to be continue !

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Nice piece of liverock. You may want to add sand as a base. A sandbed brings numerous benefits to the reef aquarium, from improving biological filtration and providing habitat for a range of creatures to making the tank look more attractive. You can still add sand after placing your live rocks. In fact, better this way as the structure and foundation of the rocks cannot be undermined by burrowing creatures such as gobies.

My Tank Journey

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  • SRC Member

Nice piece of liverock. You may want to add sand as a base. A sandbed brings numerous benefits to the reef aquarium, from improving biological filtration and providing habitat for a range of creatures to making the tank look more attractive. You can still add sand after placing your live rocks. In fact, better this way as the structure and foundation of the rocks cannot be undermined by burrowing creatures such as gobies.

Added black sand already bro !

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  • SRC Member

I have an Octopus too but lately it hasnt been opening as big as it used to be. I havent been feeding it well so make sure you feed yours regularly!

Yup.. Will feed it with lots of corals food since I will keep quite a few LPS.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In the end came back to reefing once again. Love this hobby too much.

Due to work and family started a Skimz iBOX Nano recently "the bigger size one". Size of the tank is around 1ft cube with internal overflow.

Using the return pump provided by Skimz.

Changed the LED to LumenAqua Mini 30. 1 full blue and 1 mixed.

This time round no using of skimmer.

After adding water and liverocks........ to be continue !

Boss, may i know where to buy the bigger Skimz iBOX Nano? the 9 litre tanks are available online but cannot find the bigger ones.

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How do u cool your tank?

Display Tank : 36" x 20" x 20" Herbie overflow box design, Sump : 36" x 21" x 17", Frag Tank : 16” x 20” x 16”, custom built by Tank Culture.

Lightings : Ecotech  Radion XR15 Pro x 2 for Main Display Tank, Inled R80 x 1 for Frag Tank.

Chiller : Dalkin 1hp compressor with build-in drop coil.

Skimmer : Skimz Octa SC205i Protein Skimmer.

FR : H2Ocean FMR75 Fluidised Media Reactor with Hailea HX-2500 (Feeder Pump) running Rowaphos.

CR : Skimz Monzter E Series CM122 Calcium Reactor.

BPR: Marine Source Biopellet  Reactor with Continuum Reef Biopellet Fuel. 

Main Return Pump : SICCE Syncra ADV 9.0 & Jebao ACQ-10000 Water Pump.

Wavemaker : Jebao MOW-9 x2 for Main Display Tank & Jebao SLW-20M  Sine Wave Pump for  Frag Tank.

Water Top Up: AutoAqua Smart ATO Lite.

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My room aircon.. so far no issue at all.


Display Tank : 36" x 20" x 20" Herbie overflow box design, Sump : 36" x 21" x 17", Frag Tank : 16” x 20” x 16”, custom built by Tank Culture.

Lightings : Ecotech  Radion XR15 Pro x 2 for Main Display Tank, Inled R80 x 1 for Frag Tank.

Chiller : Dalkin 1hp compressor with build-in drop coil.

Skimmer : Skimz Octa SC205i Protein Skimmer.

FR : H2Ocean FMR75 Fluidised Media Reactor with Hailea HX-2500 (Feeder Pump) running Rowaphos.

CR : Skimz Monzter E Series CM122 Calcium Reactor.

BPR: Marine Source Biopellet  Reactor with Continuum Reef Biopellet Fuel. 

Main Return Pump : SICCE Syncra ADV 9.0 & Jebao ACQ-10000 Water Pump.

Wavemaker : Jebao MOW-9 x2 for Main Display Tank & Jebao SLW-20M  Sine Wave Pump for  Frag Tank.

Water Top Up: AutoAqua Smart ATO Lite.

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  • SRC Member

My room aircon.. so far no issue at all.

i am doing te same thing. Nevertheless pls note that once your aircon is shuted. Temp swing can be from 24 - 29 degree c.
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