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Selling: 3ft tank w cabinet


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I think what bell is trying to say is someone given the tank to her for free but bell given him a sum of token as appreciation and that arrangement of transport will also need to cost money which derive the reason why she is selling instead of giving away.

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  • SRC Member

Bell is a nice girl, pls give her the benefits of doubts unless you are the person whom involved in the entire transaction. Same as in courts, every is not guilty unless proven otherwise.

So pls be kind in words and let this be a happy reeding committee.


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I think to be fair, I think she should not charge the transport cost to the next buyer, the next buyer have to pay for the transport cost to his home.

Of cause, still willing buyer, willing seller.

All the best.




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I think to be fair, I think she should not charge the transport cost to the next buyer, the next buyer have to pay for the transport cost to his home.

Of cause, still willing buyer, willing seller.

All the best.

I agreed. Transportation cost should not factor in..... :evil: !


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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  • SRC Member

Don't see a problem even bell sells expensive even if bell gets it free.. darn.. out government also buy our land cheap n resell high price.. haha.. willing seller, willing buyer.. to bell - good trade.. to buyer I think u get at good price.. to those jealous guys.. too bad u didn't land the package.. support bell ( you don't have to clarify to anyone..)..


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I have spoken with BELL and heard her side of the story, I will closed this thread while I speak with parties involved.

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