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Good day to all of the marine lovers here!

I have been exposed to this hobby through one of my best buddy and am looking to start my own marine tank (sea water base) soon.

Looking for any kind souls who have spare usable tanks/equipments/fish/food etc to give away or if needed to sell off to me cheaply?

Looking to start small about 15gallon tank

Would appreciate with any donation/sales or even tips and advices =3

Anything can drop me a PM or SMS me 81022774 TYVM!

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Hi there.. Firstly, great to know you are keen in this hobby. Secondly, I hope you know what you are getting into. This hobby requires lots of time and patience.. Not mentioning, cash.. Haha.. Ok.. I'm upgrading my tank soon. Meanwhile, I have a 2.5ft tank with cabinet and internal filter. Comes with customised led light and semi open top. If u r interested, pm me and we will arrange a meet up or so.. Price can negotiate..

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  • 2 weeks later...


Good Evening,

Had some bad experience with some personnel here, was kinda "flew aeroplane" by them after they agreed to help me =(

Well i know its not my position to be commenting about such stuff so yea.

Well help is still needed, still very keen to start this hobby, but as baby boy (my son) coming soon my wife kinda dont like me to spend extra so i am really tight on budget, please assist if possible T.T

SMS or WHATAPP 81022774 TYVM

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Viceroy that's a very insulting and un-true comment, if u don't know anything please keep ur comments to urself

Phychos yea I rem u!

Slip of mind so sorry

Can u text me ur email again or whatapp me the pics? Thanks 81022774

Just bought a nice good WM from a nice reefer admiraltian (hope spell right)

Items which I still need:

10-20 gallon tank

Stand for the tank

T5 lighting set


Live/dead rocks and sands

Thanks for reading

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do not understand ur emo-con viceroy, but hope all is well.


Been receiving some messages from fellow reefers, but finally manage to settle on a bundle deal which i preferred (bundle saves time) from a very nice reefer , aquamike, henceforth 3 more items to be striked off my list of needs, the items to be striked off are :

2 ft tank

T5 Lighting Set

one more wm

will be still needing the following items, should you have them to spare free or letting go cheap please do let me know =3 :

2 ft tank stand (ONLY THE STAND)

HOB Fliter (with skimmer preferred)

Chiller (if is cheap)

Rocks and sands (Dead/Live)

tyvm guys =3

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will be still needing the following items, should you have them to spare free or letting go cheap please do let me know =3 :

2 ft tank stand (ONLY THE STAND)

HOB Fliter (with skimmer preferred)

Chiller (if is cheap)

Rocks and sands (Dead/Live)

tyvm guys =3

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  • SRC Member

Hi, i hope u read about this hobby before u decide to step in. First of all, marine tank is not as simple as fresh water. Lots of patience, time and effort is needed. 2ndly, although is good to get 2nd hand items, but raise your budget so that u can get some decent items.

my advise is go for 2 feet with sump tank. get a proper skimmer, chiller is a must if u plan on keeping corals, no point using fan. u will top up water till u go crazy. for stand, dont get those metal ones. u will face alot of headache once rust set in.

if u are not in a rush, camp in the 2nd hand market. there are times when reefers upgrade and sell off their current set up at good price.

last but not least, if u planning to go on low budget tank, my advise is dont even start. this is not a cheap hobby.

above is just my 2 cents worth. feel free to pm me if u have any questions about starting up this hobby. took me few years before i really went into this hobby.

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I agrre to my friend..this hobby requires a lot of patience and correct equipments and systems to put in place and sustain the hobby..pls do not compromise of some essentail items like skimmers, chillers(if reef tank) bciase they perform the life line system of the tank..

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Thanks guys for ur comments and advice

I did do so basic reading on myself but I am sure I will miss out alot stuff compared o the experience crowd like your

However I should be fine as I prefer hands on experience and I have a Frend whom is guiding me throughout, no worries abt LS as I won't be adding them in any sooner, planning to cycle abt 3weeks or so mean time have time to brush up

As for gadgets wise I am looking for cheap yes, but I am also selective to

Certain brand functions and abilities, all I can say is I am trying to get as cheap as possible if

Can, if not I will invest in the best cheap decent first hand if need be

Brands like boyu and dolphins are some of the thing my Frend mentioned to be efficient and cheap

Fan and canister wise I know

I not into corals for now so i am

Actually buying a cooling fan frm a dude already waiting his respond, my HSe area quiet cooling and windy,

Planning on it when temp really high ba as cooler for now really alil out of budget

Lastly just trying to do what I can within what I can

Of course I wi not endanger the livestock by rushing anything =)


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  • SRC Member

for 2 ft, i will not get the fan to cool down the temp. u will have to top up with di water every single day. unless u plan on buying cartons of di water to store in your home. pls do not use tap water.

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Thanks for the advise man, i do know about the stiuation of the evaporating issue, however as i am unable to afford for a chiller i am doing my best to get a fan at least so as to change the temperature (will switch on only when needed).

Also yes i do know that tap water have alot of bad chemicals so no worries haha

i am however planning to get a di unit (2nd hand) or maybe DIY one di unit haha

Hi to the rest of the fellow reefers, i am still looking for the following items,please let me know if you have spare and unsed item to let go free or selling off cheap which is still in decent functioning condition:

2 ft tank stand (ONLY THE STAND,Prefer wood type if possible, if not metal also ok,Urgent)

DI Unit (Urgent)

HOB Fliter (with skimmer preferred)


Cooling Fan

Chiller (if is cheap)

Rocks and sands (Live)

Sea Salt

Thank you very much and i hope any mis-understanding is settled =3

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thanks and replied

Went to LFS to took alook, managed to make purchase of a dolphin HOB fliter and a pack of red sand =333

Also managed to receive some kind donation from a kind reefer "sprinter" ! Your help is much appreciated!!!!!!

Hi to the rest of the fellow reefers, i am still looking for the following items,please let me know if you have spare and unsed item to let go free or selling off cheap which is still in decent functioning condition:

2 ft tank stand (ONLY THE STAND,Prefer wood type if possible, if not metal also ok,Urgent)

DI Unit (2 stage or 3 stage Urgent)

Cooling Fan

Chiller (if is cheap)

Rocks and sands (Live n Matured)

Thank you very much and i hope any mis-understanding is settled =3

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Hi to the rest of the fellow reefers, i am still looking for the following items,please let me know if you have spare and unsed item to let go free or selling off cheap which is still in decent functioning condition:

Managed to buy a 3 stage di from a nice reefer "peong", hope all goes well after resin is replaced =3

2 ft tank stand (ONLY THE STAND,Prefer wood type if possible, if not metal also ok,Urgent)

Cooling Fan

Chiller (if is cheap)

Rocks and sands (Live n Matured)

Thank you very much and i hope any mis-understanding is settled =3

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Hi to the rest of the fellow reefers, i am still looking for the following items,please let me know if you have spare and unsed item to let go free or selling off cheap which is still in decent functioning condition:

Managed to buy a 3 stage di from a nice reefer "peong", hope all goes well after resin is replaced =3

2 ft tank stand (ONLY THE STAND,Prefer wood type if possible, if not metal also ok,Urgent)

Cooling Fan

Chiller (if is cheap)

Rocks and sands (Live n Matured)

Thank you very much and i hope any mis-understanding is settled =3

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2 ft tank stand (ONLY THE STAND,Prefer wood type if possible, if not metal also ok,Urgent)

Cooling Fan

Chiller (if is cheap)

Rocks and sands (Live n Matured)

Thank you very much and i hope any mis-understanding is settled =3

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Bro.. IMHO for a fowler tank if u can maintain the water temp below 31°C should be fine. Dun hv to buy cooling fan. U'll end up spending more for the maintenance. Like u I started off with 2ft tank and NSW bought from fish farms. With just 2 nemos and a boxer shrimp with sand and a few live rocks, I managed to keep the LS alive for 6 mths with bi-weekly 10% water changes.

My Simple Tank Spec

Main Tank LPS and Softies 4x2x2.5ft

Sump Tank 2.5x1.5x1.5ft with lots of LR

Remote Sump Tank 2x1x1ft dsb refugium with chaeto, mangroves and Gracilaria curtissae macroalgae

DIY LED with 6x 3W Blue and 6x 3W White main tank light

DIY LED with 1x 3W Blue and 1x 3W Red refugium light

DIY LED 1x 1W Blue moonlighting

Now convert to skimmerless Tank

1 x Rio 14HF Return Pump

1 x SunSun JVP-102 wavemaker

1 x 2x1 vertical Algae Turf Scrubber with 2x 10W LED Warm White

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