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DIY marine shops?


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  • SRC Member

There are so many Marine LFs popping everywhere now in the city, selling various marine equipment...some reefer also DIY some equipment "hobby turn business"

Will there be a possible there one day a DIY reef equipment shop

appear in the market, where you just bring your equipment plan and digram to the DIY shop and they they can make any equipment you want at a low low cost? :idea::eyebrow:

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:lol: very interesting idea indeed, such collaborations between hobbyists and retailers can indeed be possible if the new equipment is feasible for manufacture, the cost of production can be high sometimes because of material costs or just simply making the cast or mould.
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  • SRC Member

frankly speaking one so call branded xxxx calcium reactor from states can cost up to 7xx or more.. i wonder do one plastic call that much~~ with some piping done in a nice manner with one pump?

Not to forget that they produce in mass...

do we really know how much they pay just to make one xxxx reactor~~ unless the container is make of solid stuff...\

I hope one day we dun have to buy from those ang mo countires but locally can produce good stuff but with much lower cost.. so that it will be the end of burning a hole in the pocket kekeke

Hope there will more trained engineers or whatever in this hobby can

make it into a Reality


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all this diy stuff, if u have volume...than its visible. just doing 1 or 2 sets will cause you alot of time wasting, cost and efford.

most of us diy for others is not for profit but just to help out other reefers....but need some compensation on the time and efford lah.... :D

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  • SRC Member

bros , i got contacts for company that do this kind of DIY or

custom made stuff. the set back is the high price.nevertheless i still need them as i'm working in a RnD institute.

example is @#$ here. i would say his stuff is cheap taking into accounts the raw material cost.if your work to include molding, liowww.

price rocket high.unless you got at least 10 person to absorb the mold. :D

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