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WTS : Kotobuki Power Box SV Mini and Mini tank set (plug&play)


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Hi, some stuff to clear!!

1) Kotobuki power box SV mini.

Very interesting canister filter hybrid with a hang on filter, using cartridges instead. Pump is to be placed inside the tank to maximize space inside the canister.

- Brand new (theres a sticker on the pump proven to be purchased from seaview aquarium 4 days ago (3rd sep) )

- All piping, 3 cartridges, 300l/hr pump and rainbar included.

- Hardly you can find this in singapore.

All original items included :


the cartridges


I bought this at $25, selling at $18. do note its BRAND NEW.

2) Mini Tank set includes :

1 - 25cmx18cmx13cm Custom made minimum silicon tank. Tank condition is 9/10. only 1 visible scratch on the long side of the glass which u can turn around and it will be facing the tank. Other than that, everything looks new. Comes with styrofoam base.

2 - Dolphin 200l/hr Hang on filter. Comes with filter cartridge and i will include some BRAND NEW Dymax active Carbon as well

3 - 2.5watt LED light. Forgot what brand but should be aquazonic or some other china brand.

4 - Sudo Bottom sand enough to fill up the tank and with 1 inch thickness.

5 - around 150 - 200g of leftover GEX powder plant soil. should be able to fill up a thin layer of the tank.

6 - FOC 2 driftwood included for you to scape the tank.

7 - FOC 1 new slab of Hikari frozen brine shrimp!

Many people asked me about separate sales but i am still hoping someone to grab all at one go so for now, NO SEPARATE SALES AT THE MOMENT.


dolphin filter and LED light comes with 3 days personal warranty. all items are used for only around one month.

Selling at just $25 for the whole set with all items above included.

SMS me at 9106-3934

Self collect at woodlands area.

PS : I'll be overseas from sunday(9th sep) till thursday(13th sep) and collection will be either tomorrow or have to wait till friday.


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(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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