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Keeping ACROP alive!!!

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  • SRC Member

Can anyone share their exprience on keeping ACROPORAS? I've tried keeping twice but to no result... they died. first one turn brown than die, now second time it's turning white from base and spreading. Any chance to save it??? :o

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Keeping sps is not as easy as keeping lps... They require perfect water para... Good filtration system... Good lighting at least T5(maybe) or MH... Good water circulation... These is all i know.. the rest leave it to the SPS experts...AT and etc...

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AT, thanx ah for the quick reply. I know that they need strong lites, good water conditions and temp but do u know what's the most common prob that can start killing them?

More often than not, it's due to inexperienced reefers who don't have enough knowledge about the needs & requirements of keeping such corals, lack of good husbandry skills, grossly inadequate equipment and usually lacking in patience for their tank to mature enough/gain enough experience and know-how BEFORE starting to keep SPS corals.

I personally know a few reefers in SRC who unfortunately fit into this category... they can spent hundreds & thousands of dollars accumulatively on SPS corals and have them die within days or weeks... and they don't even know how to keep their water parameters stable or even how to control nitrates or understand what goes into the logic of one practice vs another, sandbed theories etc.

I sincerely hope you are not like this.

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hahaha, maybe I'm one... well looks like my tank is not so stable after all. Thanx for the reminder :P Thots fishes and the rest of the corals are ok (except the octo coral that's dying due to dunno what), so that's why try keeping one acro again since the last one died abt three mths back.

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Other than the above.... referring to what kills SPS corals.... off the top of my head:

Unstable & uncontrolled levels of

1. PH

2. Alk

3. Calcium

4. Phosphates

5. Dissolved organics

6. Ammonia

7. Nitrites

8. Nitrates

9. Temperature

10. Water circulation

11. Metabolites

12. Lighting

13. Heavy metals

14. Copper

15. Predation

16. Chemical warfare

Others: inappropriate siting, poor handling, poor acclimatization, physical damage, stress, disease.

Did I leave anything out? :rolleyes: Take your pick!

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  • SRC Member

Overflow/sump tank filtration system with bio-ball chamber and skimmer with a small tiny DSB(was told to be useless of the small size) but no harm trying rite. Main tank temp maintain ard at 25.5 to 21.5deg, no chiller used. Simulated dawn/dusk lit up with 2x T5 "Deep Ocean" and 1hr later fellow by 2x T5 "Aqua Blue". What else?

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  • SRC Member
Overflow/sump tank filtration system with bio-ball chamber and skimmer with a small tiny DSB(was told to be useless of the small size) but no harm trying rite. Main tank temp maintain ard at 25.5 to 21.5deg, no chiller used. Simulated dawn/dusk lit up with 2x T5 "Deep Ocean" and 1hr later fellow by 2x T5 "Aqua Blue". What else?

25.5 - 21.5deg....u tryin to keep ur LS "fresh" by maintainin such a temp :evil:


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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Sorry ah... it's 27.5deg. How can one keep temp at 21deg without a chiller, trying to bluf rite :P Started marine abt 6 mths back, was in the freshwater/plant tank for over 10yrs. Wei pro skimmer, a 2ft x 2 ft x 2 1/2ft, 12mm thick.

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  • SRC Member
I think got typo in his statement lah..

'Main tank temp maintain ard at 25.5 to 21.5deg, no chiller used.'

21.5 with no chiller? impossible i think.. lets give him some time to clarify guys...

Y not possible, my ex-2ft tank in my room with my aircon on and if i forgot to off my fan can hit 21deg. Tats y i got put heater in my old 2ft tank to maintain temp at 26


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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  • SRC Member

must say I'm a little bit weird in keeping fishes(both fresh and marine). knowing that one shd read up before starting on these hobby even tell others to do the same but I myself dun do it. Like my freshwater planted tank... ppl got to use CO2 to keep plants healthy but I dun even bother to and juz keep them healthy, even got to trimmed them almost weekly. Even my fishes breed sucessfully.

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maybe I've accidentally injured the acro during transport and aclimazt than now start dying on me... sad story man! Better not to keep them anymore. Dun want to waste the beauties of nature.

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maybe I've accidentally injured the acro during transport and aclimazt than now start dying on me... sad story man! Better not to keep them anymore. Dun want to waste the beauties of nature.

Accident??? <_<

Recommend that you spend some time reading up and preparing your reef before you make another attempt.....

Too many accidents ain't a good thing........

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