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Unsuitable fish species

Achilles Tang

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Since we are in this topic, what then would you suggest suitable to a 5 foot tank (since you have a 5 foot)....

Maybe can create a list of combos....

I'm also thinking of placing a few Centropyes in together...was wondering with that kind of space.. would they be able to co-exsist peacefully???

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?? you mean you want to keep dwarf angels in a reef tank??

Btw, my tank is slightly long than 5 ft... hee... by 3 inches.

Dwarfs can also be territorial. I have never kept more than 1 dwarf in my reefkeeping history!

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Baby queens are rather reef safe...I actually saw mine perfoming cleaning duties once on my purple tang....very cute....

As a matter of a fact....such baby queens will grow at a very slow rate till maturity....not too worry too much about them becoming adults....unless ya tank is like 20 feet? :lol:


Actually for most dwarf angels it very much depends on the fish itself....I had kept various combinations before....like Flame with Lemon peel with Baby queen......

Or...Majestic wif C.beauty...

I used to like flame backs too...saw a couple back at HL...but dun koe why....some how my interest juz kinda went dead on the spot....hence no buy...

Hope this helps...


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Hi Ong,

I'm actually interested in the flame and flamebacks...

and also the one rep by your Avatar... what's that???

Flame angel are are gd choice hardy fish to keep but make sure your tank water condition is good & stable. Try to add all type angel fishes after 6mth. As for that fish, is called golden angel. Never see in Singapore so far. Some info. as follow:

Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons

Care Level: Moderate

Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4

Temperament: Peaceful

Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 4"

Reef Compatible: With Caution

Diet: Omnivore

Origin: Indian Ocean

Family: Pomacanthidae


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I last saw a Multicolour at Reborn...

was reserved for someone...

Anyone with exp. in the keeping of multi colour???

are they reef safe??

You can only find the golden angels in the coral section... they placed the fishes in those containers letting it float in one of their coral tanks...

Last saw on 28 Sept

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Some info for the Multicolour angel:

The Multicolor Angelfish, also known as the Pastel Pygmy Angelfish or Many-colored Angelfish, is pale peach-orange to yellow. Black speckles on a background of blue highlight an area just behind the eyes. The dorsal and ###### fins are blue-black while the caudal fin is yellow. In bright contrast to its other colors, there is a horizontal swatch of silvery-white from mid-body to the caudal fin.

The Multicolor Angelfish needs a minimum of a 30 gallon tank with lots of hiding places and live rock for grazing on microalgae. It does best in subdued lighting, since in the wild, it is a deep-water swimmer. If the Multicolor Angelfish is to be housed with other dwarf angels, a 55 gallon or larger tank is required. Not a good reef dweller, the Multicolor Angelfish is prone to nip at stony and soft corals (sessile invertebrates) and clam mantles. It is sensitive to copper-based medications.

The diet of the Multicolor Angelfish should include Spirulina, high-quality angelfish preparations, mysid or frozen shrimp, and other high-quality meaty items.


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  • SRC Member
Oh yeah... i forgot abt the six-line wrasse!

I have one in my tank for over a year. It has grown very big and fat!

Now he is a bit of a terror.

I have three fairy wrasses who are constantly hiding because of his fierceness.

Surprising isn't it? So he is going to be the last fish in my new tank.

Sixlines are fine when young but start eating small decorative shrimp when they grow a bit.

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  • 2 months later...
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Unsuitable mutant.




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If you ever post such an ugly fish in this forum again... you'll be downgraded to a bristleworm!!!

*Bleurgh!* - LH!!!

Guys... angels are not reef-safe, juveniles and adults. Even the genus Centropyge ie. dwarf angles are not to be trusted.

I used to have a flame angel and he was well-behaved until one day he decided to start pecking at my clams.

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I think they very specimen's different..... some behave some don't....

So will go with you guy's advises...

No angels for my reef....

with the understanding that what ever you put in often takes many times effort to take it out..... :(


Golden Angel at $10????

Standard price is at $50.

Unless the Golden Angel you mentioned is not the one shown on Ong's avatar.....

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Lionel, angels are known to do cleaning duties when they are young....

AT, now i know why u not keeping Flame angel... what a pity your flame took a liking for your clams.

Tanzy, the mutant is like yucks.. dun taste good when cooked as well.. and i hate that fish.. and even contemplating throwing my mom's LH out of the window.. or cut it up to feed my moray.. but my mom knows my intention.. and warn me against doing that.. hehehe :ph34r:

Eprouve, i think phang is right.. u might have been mistaken leh.. if it is like $10, i think phang would have rushed down to get it.. even with cab fares to and fro, it is still worth it.. hehehe

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Believe me, I think flame angels are really nice... I may risk my corals again if temptation makes me get a flame again.... :rolleyes:

Or he can go into my refugium... heh!

I love queen angels... sigh!

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golden angel are rare fishes that aaare hard to catch and it is not possible to cost less than $10 you must get more info before saying anything like this

i have tried rock beauty before but this fellow seem to be very careful on what it eat and it die after 2 weeks in my tank

i have a flameback, flame angel, manybanned and a goldflaked angel in my tank. all seem well

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Believe me, I think flame angels are really nice... I may risk my corals again if temptation makes me get a flame again.... :rolleyes:

Or he can go into my refugium... heh!

I love queen angels... sigh!

Hmmm.... these angels are crazy... you never know what you get when you buy them...

There's a thread in RC where one reefer kept Queens and emperors in his SPS tank...... :blink:

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isn't it ironic when the fishes u like so much, cannot be kept coz of the type of tank u have.. sigh..

phang, i think that RC fella is off his knockers.. :blink: keeping sps with queens..

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  • SRC Member
golden angel are rare fishes that aaare hard to catch and it is not possible to cost less than $10 you must get more info before saying anything like this

perhaps the fish might just looked like it or the farm had made a mistake.. human error mah.. similarly, when i got the algae blenny, i mistake it to be a leopard blenny mah when it bit my PT....:P? i recall getting a PT for only $20 when some of the farms are at the old fish farm road in paya lebar.. both my friend and i grab one each.. and nope, no cynide poisoning..

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