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Water Cloudy - caused by biopellets?


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  • SRC Member

I introduced 500ml of biopellets to my 150g tank on Sunday using a Skimz FR100 with flow 1000L/hr. 2-3 days later my whole tank turns cloudy. Read that it's due to bacteria bloom. Anyone experience that?

Corals and fish are doing fine. Should I run carbon, lower the flow rate, remove some pellets, or just let it be, hopefully will clear few days later?

Tank 4x2x2.5

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  • SRC Member

i experience before in my old tank... but in my case all my soft corals closed and when i removed it the water cleared a few days later the corals did not open as big as before. you are using dd-h20 NP reducing Biopellets right? i think that you are supposed to add it to your fr slowly... up till now i still don't dare to use any more. and i only used abt 50ml in my 20g tank :cheers:


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Thanks for sharing your expeience ..

I think I found the source of problem already..It could be my denitrator again as I can see inside it very cloudy, the cloudiness built up slowly for a week. Though it's working with NO3 measure to below 5ppm from the water dipping output, but the water smell bad. Likely Hydrogen Sulfude already poisoning my tank due to insufficient flow to it.

Now I am confused, it could be the biopellets too which I just introduced last week. Right now I'm running matrix carbon, turn off the denitrator, continue the biopellets. Hopefully water back to norm clarity. Sigh..

Tank 4x2x2.5

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