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WTS fishes


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Selling off the following fishes:

1) One-spot Foxface Rabbitfish 6" $8 (Feeds on pellets, mysis, small shrimps)

2) Bicolor Angelfish 3" $8 (Feeds on pellets, mysis, small shrimps)

3) Klein's Butterflyfish 2.5" $8 (Feeds on pellets, mysis, small shrimps)

4) Mandarin Fish 1.5" $6 (Feeds on pods)

4) Copperband Butterflyfish 4" $20 (Feeds on mysis & small shrimps) Been with me since Jan 2012. You can view first to watch it feed.

Reason for selling is because I'm converting my fowlr tank to reef. So need to let go these fishes as they are known to be non-reef safe.

Collection Marsiling MRT or my place.

Leave your details here and I'll contact you, thanks.

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  • SRC Member

sorry, mandarin fish is not reef safe?

Mandarin fish is reef safe lah..main diet is copepods.

Unless you are talking about the toxic it will release when stress and die, then I would say it isn't tank safe at all.

Tank 4x2x2.5

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Sorry for the confusion, I kinda put the mandarin fish into the whole list without labelling whether it's reef-safe or not. Thanks Chris for the explanations. My mandarin fish is in my frag tank, it's reef-safe, unless it dies like what Chris mentioned.

Btw, 2,3 & 4 pending collection by bro Sol later. Thanks all.

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Bicolor Angel & Klein's Butterfly collected by bro Sol. Copperband pulled out from sales.

Mandarin fish 1.5" still available.

One-spot foxface 6" & also a Scopas Tang 4"+ ($8 for both) Feeds on anything and have been with me since Dec 2011.

Need to clear the following fishes fast as they are already caught and in styrofoam box. PM me your numbers, thanks!

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