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what is mean by DSB

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  • SRC Member

Using 0 grade sand would be logical because it will provide a lot more surface area for the bacteria to grow on rather than coarser grade sand. In addition, it will ot trap debris inbetween the sand because they are tightly pack. Whereas the coarser grades, debris may be trapped in between and thus choking up the sand bed in the long run

Just sharing my shallow knowledge of reef keeping

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  • SRC Member

cause i just notice something weird.. i using a DSB why my nitrate haven decrease...

now then i know something went wrong... my 1st layer is coral chip 2nd layer is grade #0 sand... this 2 combined to about 4-5inch sand bed.

and my nitrate still quite high....

i think i re-setup my tank soon... i clear the sandbed together also.... :(

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  • SRC Member

How long has your DSB been up? I think it will be at least 6 months to 1 year before its functional....

my set up for info - lower to upper layers -

- egg crate lifted by PVC pipes (to create dead space in-between)

- followed by fibre glass netting over the crate

- coral chips about 1 inch plus

- No1 coral sand about 1 inch

- less than 1 inch of "agargonate" sand (10 kg)

- 2-3 inches of No1 coral sand again

Set up in 1.5 years already... never had issue with N03 at all.....

The above is called the plenum method... hope i got the spelling right.

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  • SRC Member
How long has your DSB been up? I think it will be at least 6 months to 1 year before its functional....

my set up for info - lower to upper layers -

- egg crate lifted by PVC pipes (to create dead space in-between)

- followed by fibre glass netting over the crate

- coral chips about 1 inch plus

- No1 coral sand about 1 inch

- less than 1 inch of "agargonate" sand (10 kg)

- 2-3 inches of No1 coral sand again

Set up in 1.5 years already... never had issue with N03 at all.....

The above is called the plenum method... hope i got the spelling right.

reeflobang, how big is your dsb? are they in your main tank?

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  • SRC Member


cause 50% of my grade #0 sand + coral chip = 4 inch sand bed

i dont think with this setup i can get the DSB working...

i also shift my life stock over to my QT ...

what i plan to do tml is to scoop some of my grade #0 sand up. and remove the coral chip which is place below my grade #0 sand.

and i will get in some new grade #0 sand with the filter media and my sand from my previous tank.

i will left my tank empty for 30days to kill off any ich parasite...

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  • SRC Member

ya quite tall... ya i shifting my live rock over to my QT... about 15kg if i was not wrong quite alot....

gonna spend whole day re-setup the tank....

removing the coral chip and remix the salt. will kill me...

anyway thanks alot for ur info :thanks:

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