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Angelfish for sale


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Bro, how much you selling?

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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Pls see attached pics.


Selling 2 pcs (abt 2-3 inches in size) together for $300/-. Already kept for 1-2yrs and feeding on NewLife Spectrum n Dainichi pellets. Self-collect at Depot Road, either bring your own container/transport tank.

2nd fish (smaller in size) is not capture yet as it's not easy to catch them by trapping method. Did not want to net directly from tank to prevent injuries to the fishes.

contact @ 97437071

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For those who are interested or had PMed me, pls note that there is one reefer enquirying. Pending confirmation that fish/fishes are going into a stable tank with good marine husbandary. The bigger one which is already trapped will be sold at $150/- firmed. The smaller one is pending until it can be trap. Correction to some of my info...

Bigger pcs is abt 4 inches and smaller one is abt 3 inches.

Beginners and amateurs hobbyist, kindly refrain from purchasing these 2 pcs. Apologies if I have offended any reefers with this request ya.

Angelfishes are prone to pick n nip on corals both hard and soft types. They can also be aggressive towards other angelfishes, however this really differs from each individual depending on their previous environment. Townsend angelfish are known as a natural crossbreed between the Queen and Blue Angelfish.

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No offense... I was told by LFS when I bought it 1-2 yrs ago. Unless someone has a way to confirm if not I'll juz trust the LFS. Anyway it's from a reputable and knowledgeable one so I dun think they'll risk it by anyhow categorizing them, less it's a genuine error cuz they were really juv when I bought it.

From websites' photos, it's really tough spotting the difference between a Blue and a Townsend Angelfish. An adult Townsend seems to have more yellow coloration on it's face area and finages though.

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