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New to Marine Aquaria

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Hi Friends,;

I am happy to announce that I too now belong to the marine aquaria community :).

I have been keeping fresh water fishes since past 15 years and now just changed to marine setup yesterday. I have purchased live rocks, fishes and sea water from a guy who was selling off his marine tank. His tank was quite old hence decided not to buy.

I have used the sellers salt water as it was being recycled since 1+ year, so thought it was stable enuf to put in the fishes. Now the question is I don't have much knowledge about water quality and water changes. Can you please guide me?

My questions:

1. My tank temp is 29 degrees Celsius and Salinity reads at 1.025/1.026. Is this fine? What would be ideal?

2. What do I need to understand while testing the water quality. I am using the Water Testing strips. Is anyone using them to advice?

3. How often do I need to change the tank water or top up? And can I use normal tap water to top up with anti chlorine if salinity is high? If salinity is low how much salt do I need to mix??



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Hmm so you're the one who bought the liverocks away! haha joking joking...

Hmm...I do not know how you transferred the live rock and fishand stuff to your new tank. Do you have sand in it?

Because the bacteria and other tiny things living in the liverock may die off during the transfer and this may cause an ammonia spike and since this is a new tank, the tank might not handle the ammonia load. This way, the fishes might be affected!.

The cycling process is the same as a freshwater setup. So you mostly likely need to test for ammonia and Nitrate. Both should ideally read zero.

Tank temperature should ideally be around 26-27 degrees. So you might need to get a cooling fan or a chiller.

I'll leave the more advanced stuff to the more experienced bro here.

And it be good if you can give the exact tank dimensions, how you transferred you rock and fishes, and whatever equipmemnt you have in your setup so the bros here can give you better advice.

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Hi bro, Thanks for your reply. I transferred live rocks and fishes in the aquarium water in which they were before. Also, in my current tank the water is of the sellers old aquarium. Reg the bacteria's I have a bottle of waterlife bacteria which from which I have put around 10ML in the tank. My fish tank dimensions H-19 inches, L 24 inches and depth / breadth 14.5 inches. I currently have a very basic protein skimmer inserted in the tank and Atman DF Series external filter (DF - 700). Seeking more advice on water quality and weekly water changes. Thanks!

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1. My tank temp is 29 degrees Celsius and Salinity reads at 1.025/1.026. Is this fine? What would be ideal?

- actually it depends on what you keep. Im a fowlr guy so not really sure the temp/salinity for corals. However, i feel it shouldnt be over 28 celsius.

- Salinity also depends on what you keep. fish only can be ranging from 1.018-1.022

2. What do I need to understand while testing the water quality. I am using the Water Testing strips. Is anyone using them to advice?

- i'm currently using ammonia, ph, nitrite, nitrate

3. How often do I need to change the tank water or top up? And can I use normal tap water to top up with anti chlorine if salinity is high? If salinity is low how much salt do I need to mix??

- whats your tank size ? best if to top up everyday as salinity changes. i do wc once a week.

i dont understans when you say if salinity is too high. measure your salinity using a hydrometer or refractometer.

Im not a expert but hope that helps


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So i assume you have no sand? Then you might want to read up more on biological filtration or make up with chemical/mechanical filtration.

I would suggest not adding anymore stuff into your tank anymore. Meaning no more corals/fishes.

You should decide whether this will be a fish only tank or does it include corals. Fish only tanks (FOWLER) will be easier to setup with less requirements.

Regarding water, you should only top up with distilled water or RO/DI unit which cost about 200+. Since your tank is small, (about 30gallons) you can do water change once a week or more if you feel that there are ammonia or too much nitrates present. Each time about 10-15%. So its roughly about 3gallons or 10 litres or so..

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Just my opinion too.

1. My tank temp is 29 degrees Celsius and Salinity reads at 1.025/1.026. Is this fine? What would be ideal?

- agree also that it depends on what you are going to keep. If it is FOWLR, ie. without corals it may be fine. I have been doing so for a few years till I switch to corals.

- even with corals, it also depends on what corals you going to keep. Personally I am keeping only soft corals and zoas, and they seem happy with my 2 cooling fans (no chiller) temp is around 28.3 - 28.6 on typical day.

- salinty should be fine for 1.025.

2. What do I need to understand while testing the water quality. I am using the Water Testing strips. Is anyone using them to advice?

- Using test kits, go for reliable brands like Salifert, Redsea, etc. I am measuring Ammonia, NO2, NO3, pH and PO.

- If you going to keep hard corals, you probably have more parameters to measure.

3. How often do I need to change the tank water or top up? And can I use normal tap water to top up with anti chlorine if salinity is high? If salinity is low how much salt do I need to mix??

- Top up the evaporation is daily chore. Ideally should use DI water for top-up otherwise go for some products that can 'detox' the water. Our tap water have some chemical that are not nice such as silicate that cause diatoms.

- Water change is subjected. Most recommend weekly or bi-weekly depending on the bioload of your tank and usually 10% - 20% i think...


Aquarium: 48" x 18" x 24" tank with 24" x 15" x 15" sump (approx. 150 gallons)
Equipment: Maxspect Razor 320W, Vortech MP40, Vertex Omega 180i, Eheim 1262 return pump, Hailea HS 66A, Bacteria King
Fish and coral food: Henry's Reefgourmet pellets, Preis coral energizer, Kent Marine PhytoPlex, Brightwell Reef Snow, Two-Little Fishies Marine Snow
Dosage: Triton Elements


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This is bad dude! Yes I've suspected it as there is definitely die off during the transfer and 200 nitrates is really bad. Fish can only tolerate about 40ppm of nitrates. I suggest doing a large water change.

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