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Big tank mini tank.

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i'm sorry to burst your bubble but if you know nothing, then don't buy anything. You will simply be wasting your money and killing the livestock you have. Read up first. salt water is not like fresh water. It is poles apart in terms of husbandry. There are newbies who bought a "setup" and within days everything died. There are some pinned topics and you can use google to find good articles to read on basic marine husbandry. Do your research first before attempting the hobby.

btw, I am assuming the mini tanks you are refering to are things like the IQ5 or or so which hold about 15-20L of water depending on the size of all the range of these small tanks available in the market.

Cheers, ;)


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Hi, u are just like me 6 months ago.... Reefing requires good husbandry... Another layman terms means time, money and care .... Good luck and all the best if u happen to start Reefing

System 45 - 1.5 ft cube with sump

Vortech MP 10

Maxspect Nano Razor 60W

BM Nac 3.5 Skimmer

BM MF70 reactor - Rowaphos

Phosban reactor 150 - NP Biopellet

Hailea chiller HS 28A


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  • SRC Member

I know nothing on marine. Been wondering. I those min marine tank sold in LFS where the tank do no need any special equipment to monitor. How long will those min tank last?

i think i got wat u mean.. normally wat u see the nano display tank in lfs they dont really last.. 1st is the water condition and 2nd lighting. the lives stock dies.. they just throw n change a new one..

Be prepare to change water regularly and cleaning if u going into reefing. I got my 1 feet x 0.5 x 0.5 and now the corals are growing all over.

Tank Theme: Mixed Reef with clams

3 feet tank with IOS

Eheim 1262

K3 wavemaker x1

Lightings: T5 actinic blue x4 , T5 white x4

Skimmer: BMQQ

Artica 1/5

Dosing: NA


Reefing is sharing. People with rotten mouth is sure a loser for life as expected. When a tomato gets rotten, you can nvr save it.. Throw it away before it infect the good ones.

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Sorry for my bad english earlier. I was in marine parade Sam Yick aquarium and saw those mini marine tank for sale. I was using my iphone to pop this question here while waiting for my wife and did not realise posting a question in forum using Iphone is so difficult.

I not going into marine tank as I know is going to spend tons of time. I know myself will not keep that passion on marine tank.

When I ask them on maintainance, they simply just say change water and apply chemical A + chemical B and makes it sound so easy.

They just answer me as long as I am hardworking when I ask them how long these mini tank last.

If is that simple then why would anyone invent expensive equipment as big as a marine tank to simulate the sea environment.

I am a diver, I love to see marine life in ocean. Is nice to see marine tank but is sad to see LFS treating marine life as dirt.

Thanks for all forumer's input.

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