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Is China a threat to global stabilty?


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  • SRC Member
So much for a nice intellectual discussion... it always goes back to babes... :lol:

It's all Barracuda's fault! He started it.

Any way I was getting nothing out of this discussion.


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  • SRC Member

Think it's just spore's standing. most of our trade depends on the US. and the world's economy can be affected by the US dollar. Plus our position as a stop-over for merchant ship, exports etc.. instability in the region can affect our economy greatly.

PS: the gals do look cute! ke ke.... :P

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Well, I try as much as I could but I think Tanzy already has something on his mind and is seeking to see if someone has the same opinion ... spill it man :D

I can only reiterate, China is a rising power, and most believe it will provide the main engine for Asia's economical growth. Singapore much to benefit if it means to hitch a ride.

Singapore had reassessed our strengths and weaknesses. Subsequently, also identified our new niche market/s.

All of which have been outlined in the papers / media for the past year or so, all one has to do is to read the trend.

As far as I can tell, we only need to rid the complacency off our citizens and we should be well underway :)

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rumor knows me best..!! haha..

another is I am quite busy after my reservist..

clearing some tons of work, u also din see me do much posting after my ICT..

well, did I told u guys the other day, three gals in a nissan knock into my car.. it was raining heavily..

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  • SRC Member
Has anyone else also realised how many chinese has been travelling ard asia? My work involves me to travel in asia quite often and I can do see a vast increase of chinese tourist ard asia.

Indeed. Their spending power has increased manyfold over the last couple of years. Cuba even saw the first wave of PRC tourists! However despite this trend, the divide between the rich and the poor in China is great - and those that we come across are actually the minority.

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  • SRC Member

Nothing to spill dude. I was just wondering.

Hitching a ride sounds simple but I do not have a good impression of mainlanders. I'm worried that they will take us for a ride instead and ditch us when they are done. Understanding that they are a great economy force based on just population alone without considering other factors yet knowing that they are unscrupulous chinese (it's in the blood) makes me love and loath them at the same time. I see a large market waiting to be exploited but having to work with them makes me wanna :sick: . Catch my drift.

Somehow EU doesn't seem to be up to what it's name suggests 'Union'. Different language, different political systems, different laws, different blood feuds, etc. I don't think they can be as great as USA (the real union) or PRC, which reduces the world economy down to just these two states, West vs. East. EU will be on the sidelines with S. America and Africa for this century as the latter two rise in importance. Next is oil. Two of the largest underused oil reserves in the world are USA and PRC again. Surprise, surprise. The gulf area will be depleted soon. You think about that.

Ultimately, the rise of PRC will affect more than just the way we move our money. The way we live, eat and most importantly think (rare occurrence but does happen sporadically) is largely influenced by the dominating world power. In our case, USA. If there is a change in balance and influence, definitely, it will cause a change in behavior and society. I'm never a big fan of eastern philosophies as I find them too superficial, mystical and very egocentric (value judgements, I know but that's what I think and I don't care what you think). I'm afraid that with the increasingly total and pervasive influence from the PRC will make Singapore a less pleasant place to live in. Bare in mind that the current philosophy in PRC is not the virtuous Confusionism or similar thought of the past but very much corrupted by Marxism and the subsequent despair towards the false promise of communism resulting in exaggerated capitalism and decadence.

Also, what about the other races. How will they react to the rise in chinese power? I frankly do not know. I think it can't be good.


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  • SRC Member

I somehow agree with Tanzy on ur view on the PRC. However, my input for will be that Singapore will be able to benefit from PRC rise if our cards are played properly (I believe our gov has learnt its lesson).


1) Culture - How many countries really understand chinse culture? Taiwan and Hong Kong? In ASEAN, Singapore will nicely fix into the role of "middle-man".

2) Languages - No brainer

3) Openess of business dealing - Many gov like to deal in Singapore solely because of this. PRC will not be any different.

4) Technology Advancement - This will at least be very much appreciated by the PRC for at least the next 5 yrs.

Bottonline, our leaders in the industry including government will play a huge part yet again.

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  • SRC Member


What if there is no need for other countries to understand chinese culture? What if PRC decide to understand western culture to facilitate dealing with them instead, thus skipping the middleman?

Again, language. They are teaching english in school now instead of Russian. They have been doing it for more than 10 years.


Cuter and in a dress befitting the discussion.



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  • SRC Member

I dun think PRC will ever adapt to western culture especially in ways of business dealings. From my personal observation, its more of western trying to understand PRC culture. If u ask any western businessman that is interested in PRC market, they will tell u "quan xi" is the key.

As for languages, nevertheless, Singapore will still be a very useful bridge for PRC into ASEAN. But this is actually a "doube edged sword". This may be a reason why India is another area we have to look at eventually.

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  • SRC Member
I'm worried that they will take us for a ride instead and ditch us when they are done. Understanding that they are a great economy force based on just population alone without considering other factors yet knowing that they are unscrupulous chinese (it's in the blood) makes me love and loath them at the same time. I see a large market waiting to be exploited but having to work with them makes me wanna  :sick: . Catch my drift.

same sentiments... :(

Ever had a business associate who dumped lots into that market and yes, indeed...he reaps REWARDS...but then...there is a regulation that they cannot channel the rewards out and thus keep on investing until one day, the 'bubble' burst somewhere and can't recuperate. Resorted to become working class citizen... :(

I'm afraid that with the increasingly total and pervasive influence from the PRC will make Singapore a less pleasant place to live in. Bare in mind that the current philosophy in PRC is not the virtuous Confusionism or similar thought of the past but very much corrupted by Marxism and the subsequent despair towards the false promise of communism resulting in exaggerated capitalism and decadence.

They really need a benevolent and visionary leader to show the light... :)

Somebody who is firm yet gentle...like Gandhi? :rolleyes:

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Frankly, if they do take us for a ride, we only have ourselves to blame. If we can't handle them, we have no business dealing with them.

The world economy is not driven by love, self-actualisation or brother/sister-hood ... its money, cold hard cash. Making profits means that there's a winner, and a loser. And to win means you have to brush aside all grievances and differences and go all out to better your competitors.

My experience dealing with my Chinese counterparts has been a most enlightening and learning experience; their focus and willingness to learn far exceeds our expectation. Thought this, I see opportunity, while other may see defeat.

Members of the EU are highly opinionated, just like us, the cenceptualisation of the union through its formation took many years, and even so, they're still struggling in its infancy. I'll not cast them aside yet. Though apparent, power shifts are as unpredictable as the tectonic plates, but its aftereffects are huge.

No arguments about the oil though, all I have to say is, in the wrong hands (or right hands), we can be better off going back to the Stone Age.

Are you referring to Eastern or Western philosophies? :D

Your fears are inferring from historical occurence, and future assumptions based on its consistency. Have you considered that it may not be so? Ceteris Paribus IMO is no more than an academic convenience.

The Westerners are reacting the way they should be, no longer impeding China's growth but embracing it, our reigion's majority race are still the way they are, but I do see some progress. Its the Indians I'm more keen on ... there is much to look forward to.

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  • SRC Member

Hi Flub,

You are right, this is actually part of their "culture". Many of the PRC businessman has the type of mentality of "chiong" for 3-5 yrs, make as much as they can using whatever method (I really mean whatever) and then disappear. We will all wan to avoid such business but many are unaware of it since spotting one is not exactly easy. There's where Singapore can play its duty, imo.

"They really need a benevolent and visionary leader to show the light.."

Yes. Totally agreee on this

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  • SRC Member


Sucks to be you!




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