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  • SRC Member

yap as long as got a 3rd party insurance anyone can drive that car am i right

Too many stickers will only make ur car more target prone to TP they like to stop these car to check their engine

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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  • SRC Member
yap as long as got a 3rd party insurance anyone can drive that car am i right

Too many stickers will only make ur car more target prone to TP they like to stop these car to check their engine

Tats rite.... ;)


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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VVTI works by varying the valve timing. That is when to open/close the intake valve relative to engine RPM, load etc. The VVTI works only for intake valve only :P

VVTI is alway active and nothing such as when to activate it like in the VTEC engines. The advantage of the VVTI is to help in the toque curve

VTEC stands for Variable Valve Timing and Lift Electronic Control. It uses two sets of camshaft profiles, one for low/mid-range rpm and one for high rpm operation. At a pre-determined rpm it will switch over to the other profile to increase peak horsepower and improve torque. You can both hear and feel the change when the VTEC "kicks in" at higher rpm levels to improve performance. VTEC does not offer continuously variable valve timing like the VVTI but it can make the most of high rpm operation while still providing solid driveability at lower rpm levels. That is why those honda Civic can rev to as high as 9000rpm :P

Toyota also have something called the VVTI-L used in the celica which combines both VTEC and VVTI. Honda has the I-VTEC which is basically the same combo too.

I cheong on NS highway before and hit 210km/h with my 7th gen civic :P

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  • SRC Member

dont use VVT-I engine to "chong" it is not mend for speed the engine will spoit

is a low petrol consumpion engine if you drive normal dont press acc that much it can move up to 500km++ before it totally empty

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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  • SRC Member

Interesting read there weilong but I think you meant VVTL-I. ;)

When I was testing out the new Celica, I did notice the shove similar to VTEC kicking in when the engine reached high RPM at full tilt. I must have confused VVT-I and VVTL-I.



I don't know about you. I am not a big fan of the VVT-I or VVTL-I engines because they seem to have a poor response below 3000 rpm which is where the engine is reving in normal urban driving. I had to trash the Celica a lot when I was testing it here. Not smooth. I think I will very much prefer a torque-ier engine instead of a high BHP one.


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I am no big fan of toyota so sorry for the error :P so now I learn something new, will remember it.

Now honda also into the I-VTEC so the days of poor low end torque are gone. If you look at the current civic also not made for high BHP. Engine also design for good low end torque and the VTEC is made for fuel savings too.

Don't cheong with corolla? Seems like got quite a few like to "poke" pple's backside on the rd and especially when the see honda car. But those are the blacksheeps and also got honda drivers do that too.

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  • SRC Member

hee hee me dont own a car but in camp during some VIP detail den i do drive

it from my own experience the corolla with vvt-i engine car usually can traval more

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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